Home Social Media Best Practices of Start-Ups on YouTube: How to Get Many Views and Earn Money

Best Practices of Start-Ups on YouTube: How to Get Many Views and Earn Money

by Louise W. Rice

With the current level of competition, it can be really hard for a start-up to squeeze in the industry. Luckily, social media allows new businesses to spend less budget and get more recognition in a relatively short time. In fact, there are possibilities to boost up things like real YouTube views with the use of services like VideosGrow. But of course, to maintain the growth of the channel on this platform, any business has to develop a solid strategy for grossing organic views, likes, and comments on YouTube. In this article are gathered the most effective methods for developing your business channel.

Set Your Goals

For better results in promotion, you have to understand what is the purpose of your YouTube channel. This is what defines the kind of content that you will produce. Of course, in general, promotion is the main reason to use social media, but you have to concretize how exactly you want to attract and retain an audience – through wit and entertainment, or by creating a solid business face, or in some other way. In other words, what associations your business will create in consumers’ minds. Define your objectives to see what are the most relevant ways to impact users on YouTube.

Select What Videos You Want To Produce

There are many kinds of content that would work well for representing your products or services. Some may surprise you, but be sure that all those are effective for your growth:

  • Product videos. The most direct way for the presentation of your business. Overview of the product you have, explaining and demonstrating its features and benefits. It can be regarded as classic advertising, targeted to impress the viewer with the product.

  • Tutorials and How-to. Basically, this is a video that helps users to discover how they should use the product, demonstrating the progress and result of using it.

  • Lists. This is educational/entertaining content that offers a comparison or description of various products and services of the same niche. Try to be objective and not push your product too much.
  • Interviews. This kind of video is targeted to make the connection between the audience and brand stronger, through acquaintance with significant employees and company leaders.

  • Behind-the-scenes. Revealing the process of product creation is also an interesting and educational type of content that attracts people, especially if you genuinely follow modern trends like sustainable production, positive ecological decisions, and friendly corporate policy.

Optimize Your Content

One of the key aspects that help promote a business of any kind and get many views is proper SEO optimization. For YouTube, in particular, a huge part of your ranking is played by keywords. With their help, the algorithms of the platform can categorize your content properly, so it will appear in search results and suggested videos of your target audience. It is important to place your keywords in the titles and descriptions of your videos, but also, you can gain some growth by adding subtitles.

To define what keywords you need to use, you have to do thorough research. The first step would be examining the market by typing in YouTube search fields the most relevant terms for your industry. Try to mix general and more concrete terms to generate the perfect range of keywords for your content.

Add Some Branding

To improve your online presence and build a proper public image for your brand, make it look professional. Visual support of your brand helps users to recognize you among others and underline your company’s goals. Here are the main attributes that require branding:

  • Channel art
  • Profile picture
  • Watermarks
  • Video background, if needed
  • Thumbnails
  • Logo and mascot that are present on your videos

By providing a recognizable visual representation, you can get more attention from people, as an organized and distinctive picture is more catchy to the human eye.


As YouTube is a social network, influencer marketing perfectly applies here. On YouTube, many extremely popular personalities can boost your product and discover it to a huge audience. But you have to choose wisely with whom you want to work.

Businesses find it challenging to find the right influencers for their brand who’d be loyal and represent the values the business stands for. Fortunately, there’re many platforms like Grin, Dovetale, and Humanz influencer marketing program that will allow you to find hundreds of influencers in any desired niche and contact them directly in no time. These platforms will help you cut the time you’ll be wasting on committing an influencer to a product they don’t understand the value of or support.

Before settling a contract, you have to count your prospects to understand what flow of customers you will get, and you will be able to fulfill their needs. This is why it is recommended to collaborate with influencers who have a smaller follower base, so that you can be sure of your production capacity. As you grow, the potential user flow grows too, allowing you to increase the level of collaboration.

Engage With Your Viewers

Again, YouTube is a social media. Hence, people want to communicate and interact with each other, and with brands as well. In the case of social media promotion, it is always a dialogue, not a promo speech towards the public. This policy has to be included in your videos directly. For example, you can offer ideas for discussion or ask questions so your viewers will share their thoughts in the comment section. They can also show their support with likes and subscriptions.

engage with your viewers

You have to initiate the communication and make sure it is positive and friendly. However, do not lose touch of professionalism in your response – be concrete in your answers and aim for the best customer care.

Encourage User-Generated Content

User-fans rated the content, or UGC is a great tool in your business establishment. Mostly, user-generated content for brands would be reviewed by customers. For other users who only consider purchasing your product or ordering your services, such reviews are a good reason to count in, because they get a genuine experience about the product. So, make sure you can provide user-generated content for your promotion:

  • Offer an exclusive discount for users who create a detailed review
  • Interact actively with customers who post their experience with your products
  • Don’t forget to express your gratitude and appreciation for people who share their thoughts with you
  • Use all feedback you get, both positive and negative, to improve your performance

Post Regularly

Consistency is an absolute must for success on YouTube. By posting new content often and according to a schedule, you attract more people and make your online presence stronger. For this network, the best uploading frequency is considered to be 2-3 times a week, but in fact, once a week will do, if you want to save up some ideas and spare some time for content creation. Remember that quality always goes before quantity. Users will forgive you if you post videos not so often, but if you put much effort into making it.

Produce High Quality Content

Along with frequent posting, don’t forget that your videos have to be interesting and original, so users can appreciate your work. To get more people to find your YouTube videos, you can initially buy real YouTube views. Avoid cliches and sales type of videos, try to reach your audience through other things, like:

  • Social position of your brand
  • Product purpose
  • Ecological initiatives
  • Social assistance and corporate policy
  • Personal experience, etc.


Many startups have now become established businesses thanks to social media. Even though these platforms evolve and change, the main tool for success is providing original products through original top-quality content. Everything else is targeted to attract the audience, but in the end, only consumers can promote you to the top of your niche.

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