Home Tech Key Vulnerabilities in Your Azure Security System and What to Do About Them

Key Vulnerabilities in Your Azure Security System and What to Do About Them

by Louise W. Rice

As companies are moving more of their traditional on-premise assets to the cloud, they often find it difficult to migrate data security processes.

Cloud services, including the Azure security center, provide a reliable, central location for enterprise security that can help reduce the attack surface and detect threats with streaming analytics.

However, these have their own set of vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. You can secure your data with security services like sonraisecurity.com/solutions/azure-and-sonrai-dig/.

Here are the key vulnerabilities in your Azure security system.

Default Passwords

One such vulnerability is the use of default passwords and accounts. These are often well-known by hackers and can easily be used to access sensitive data and systems.

Azure security center does not provide a way to change these passwords, which leaves companies open to attack. Additionally, the account passwords are not part of the encryption process, so they can be compromised without cracking the code.

Security Agent Vulnerabilities

Another vulnerability is that some providers neglect to update their security agents, leaving them open to attack.

Companies need to consider updating their provider version once patching becomes available to close any known security loopholes. Additionally, outdated security agents can leave the door open for man-in-the-middle and other attacks.

Data Leaks

According to statistics, 63 percent of Americans say they understand very little or nothing about the laws and regulations currently in place to protect their data privacy.

Leaky data is another common vulnerability in cloud systems. Some companies mistakenly believe that moving data to the cloud makes it more secure.

However, this is not always the case. Some sensitive data may be more vulnerable in the cloud than on-premise and are more likely to attack.

False Positives and Performance Issues

When security systems detect a threat, they can generate false positives, slowing down business processes.

Additionally, this slows down analytics processing when the system needs real-time data to make decisions about potential threats.

Data Tampering

Attackers can also tamper with data in transit, resulting in severe consequences for companies.

Bypassing the Azure security center and its data loss prevention (DLP) features can allow attackers to gain access to company data that they would not be able to see otherwise.

Company-Owned Credentials

Another vulnerability is the use of company-owned credentials, resulting in credential theft.

It’s vital to ensure that only authorized users can access these accounts and information about who has access to what should be well documented.

Additionally, organizations should ensure that there are no weak links in their security systems, which provides hackers with the inside access they need to gain access to sensitive data.

What Can You Do About It?

There are several steps that companies can take to address these vulnerabilities and ensure that their cloud is working as efficiently as possible.

The following solutions will help you secure your system.

Lockdown Default Passwords

It’s essential to ensure that default passwords are set as soon as possible.  It will help prevent any hacker from exploiting the provider and gaining access to your system. It would help if you remembered that you can not change these passwords yourself and rely entirely on your provider for assistance.

Update Your Security Agent

You should always be sure that you have the most recent version of your provider’s security agent installed. It is the only way to protect you against new attacks and vulnerabilities.

Remove Company-Owned Credentials

Your company should create a cloud access policy that includes all details about who has access to the Azure security center, including credentials. You should also consider enforcing multi-factor authentication (MFA) to secure your system further.

Monitor for False Positives

You must be aware of the potential for false positives and have a plan in place to deal with them. It will help to ensure that your system does not slow down due to unnecessary security alerts.

Enable Data Loss Prevention

You must ensure that you have data loss prevention (DLP) enabled in your system. It will help protect your company’s data from being stolen or compromised. You must ensure you are meeting the regulatory compliance requirements for DLP.

Choose a Reliable Cloud Security Platform

The cloud security platform that your company uses should meet your current and future security needs. Choosing a system that can scale up as needed is essential for business growth while meeting compliance standards.

Keep your organization’s risks in mind when choosing a cloud security platform. You will be better prepared to prevent attacks from cybercriminals trying to exploit your security system.

By identifying the principal vulnerabilities, it can become easier to know how to address them.

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