Home Tech AI Race: The Future of Commerce with AI Chatbots

AI Race: The Future of Commerce with AI Chatbots

by Louise W. Rice

When we hear the word AI, the first thing that comes into our minds is the infamous ChatGPT, a generative AI website that provides content for endless prompts that you can think of. That doesn’t sound very significant to people, especially those involved in commerce.

But recently, Amazon unveiled its own “Q”, an AI chatbot for business. Here’s the catch though: unlike OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, “Q” will not be available for consumers and casual users but rather for workplace practices. The AI chatbot will focus on work tasks like summarizing documents, unlike the previously mentioned chatbots, which operate primarily under prompts for general use.

Let’s Recap: How Do These AI Chatbots Work?

Try typing this prompt on any AI chatbot, and you’ll be surprised at the extent of what it can give you. From that simple command, it will give you an article with a title, introduction, sections, and a conclusion. That’s how easy it is to produce something with a generative AI chatbot, and it has been a massive hit for the general public since its emergence because of its convenience.

Since ChatGPT took everyone by storm last year, there have been a lot of conversational AI bots for similar and different purposes. In March 2023, Google released Bard which was designed to generate an output based on internet searches and questions rather than just keywords. Microsoft also hopped into what seems to be a trend and released Copilots earlier this year but with a different purpose than the previously mentioned ones. Like Amazon’s Q, it aids in corporate tasks like writing documents and summarizing e-mails. Read more about Amazon’s Q at The Verge.

What Would It Mean For Business?

With the rise of AI chatbots, the doors for innovation opportunities continue to expand, and there’s almost no telling of what else could be in store for us. But for people in commerce, such possibilities can be narrowed down and utilized for utmost efficiency in the work process.

As conversational bots, they can be primarily utilized for customer services like responding to queries and quick issue resolution. It’s perfect for such tasks since it works around the clock 24/7, which means it can respond to an angry customer who wishes to return their product at 2 AM without hitches. It can also be utilized for automating routine and repetitive tasks, which relieves the workload from employees and allows them to focus on other, more important tasks and reserve their energy for more laborious workloads.

At this point, it seems like AI chatbots are extremely promising with the advantages they can give you. However, we should pause and ruminate: what’s the catch with integrating AI in businesses?

The trend of releasing AI chatbots seems celebratory since, at the end of the day, it’s a piece of innovation that implies that humans are evolving towards a better future. It is noteworthy that when something seems to be on the rise and is consumed widely by the general public, it means that businesses would have to put their stake in it and hop on it; because whether they like it or not, it’s business is nothing far from the hunger games. Read more at Harvard Business Publishing

Should You Be Wary?

As the AI debate today goes, AIs cannot replace humans. These little task runners are just supporting tools and not a replacement for an efficient workforce. They are not capable of deciding upon issues that require moral faculties. What would an AI chatbot do if a customer wishes to return the item because the person they bought it for has already passed away? It will respond with the return policy, but a customer service agent might do the same, except that their choice of words will be gentler and would suggest opportunities to help the person’s situation.

This keeps some businesses relevant despite such innovations and trends– work ethics that cannot be replicated easily by AI are the heart of the business. An AI chatbot can be more efficient than a human in terms of production but it will never be better than an employee who resonates with the company’s vision and values and acts according to it. Regardless of modifications to make AI better than humans in all aspects, they would still be unable to cascade nuances and develop human faculties like conscience and empathy.

It cannot replace authentic human experiences and insights, like what sites like CasinoBonusCA do. As an online casino review site, they provide comprehensive reviews and essential information about gambling, a result of thorough inspection and experience of online casinos to cater to the unique and diverse preferences of the players. Could an AI do this without understanding human psychology and habits? It might be able to provide a review, but it won’t be anything different than the broad, vague, and unnuanced responses of a generative AI.

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