Home Job How To Use Internal Content Marketing For Corporate Training

How To Use Internal Content Marketing For Corporate Training

by Louise W. Rice

Content marketing, while on the one hand, accomplishes the promotion of the brand among customers. On the other hand, firms can leverage internal content marketing as a tool to pursue employee training and transform the staff into key brand advocates. What is internal content marketing? It is a marketing strategy to foster brand recognition to build loyalty, skill, and engagement with your employees by pitching your product and vision. The aesthetics of the brand are sold to internal consumers, i.e., employees who, in turn, make the brand alive for external customers. 

Why choose internal content marketing for team development? Corporates that adopt internal communications produce two times higher productivity and three times faster profit growth. Internal content marketing stimulates employee engagement which makes them believe in the brand. Motivated employees become effective brand ambassadors who vouch for your product around the clock. Train and engage employees in inward-focused content marketing, including informational webinars, newsletters, timeline templates for PowerPoint, and building a strong branding culture. 

Here are some ways to use internal content marketing for corporate training:

Internal Newsletters 

Circulate newsletters to educate and train your employees about the company brand, products, services, values and goals. To make it more interesting and lively, incorporate it with trivia, interesting facts, images, recent statistics, and the brand’s performance in the market. Publish up-to-date information, different sections denoting diverse departments, and product information as well. 

Newsletters, while being impactful and informative, also reduce email overload. Mention the marketing initiatives and overreaching corporate campaigns. Insert an executive summary of the firm’s current performance and KPIs. Mention and highlight company initiatives to promote your product. 


A splendid way to market your brand to your employees is through a good old email. Emails are the most used platform in the corporates for communication. Bring your employees on board with your brand with valuable, consistent, and relevant emails regarding your brand. 

Craft well-written messages, send company announcements, and notifications about new products by including some effective visuals to communicate your message more efficiently. Drive your employees to promote your brand by granting them content that they will be proud to share.

PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint presentations have always been a frontrunner for corporates to showcase their content marketing strategies with an audio-visual kick. Design innovative and intuitive presentations with befitting templates from sites like SlideModel to engage your employees visually.

Imbibe the slides with charts, timelines, stellar images, and data visualizations to reinforce your branding tactics. Compact, concise, and comprehensive presentations divulging intelligible marketing strategies can invigorate the employees to give 100%. Create gripping presentations about products, services, and campaigns that your company pursues. 

Digital Signage 

People walk around the office all day, be it to attend meetings or go for small breaks. Install a few screens throughout the office to display internal branding materials like graphics, logos, short videos, posters, company advertisements, and taglines for a digital display. 

Digital signages make the information easier and more effective. When you have an important announcement for your employees it’s easier to show it on the screens of digital signages, as it will be at the same time interactive, eye popping and easy to understand especially in a hard working routine.

Ensure to formulate and illustrate appealing messages which promote employee engagement and boosts them to work harder. Display presentations and content made by the employees to enhance work motivation. Even glancing at the screen once a day will make the employees feel strongly towards the brand. 


Organizations adopt advertisements and short videos to promote their brand to the customers in the market. So why not do the same for the employees? A well-curated video from team leads with a powerful message which entices brand loyalty will go a long way to train your employees to further the firm’s services. 

Weave a story and form an encouraging narrative to tell your company’s journey, its achievements, products, values, and importance in the market. Train your employees to use short videos that contain a lucid idea about your products and services to promote them. 


With the COVID-19 social distancing, Work From Home (WFH), webinars and virtual conferences have become the priority for firms worldwide. Webinars are a prominent way to connect with your employees and maintain brand consistency. Host enlightening webinars with influential PowerPoint presentations to stimulate employee interest.

Brainstorm with your teams in a webinar to get ideas to increase sales. Share company accomplishments, highlight employee achievements, motivate them to promote the products, disburse company news, have structured Q&A sessions and much more. 


Dedicated employee participation is the foundation of every company. Use content marketing to train your employees to author effective blogs. Influence them to research and generate epic blog topics that speak both to the customers and co-workers. 

Conduct workshops or seminars to inform them about the blog title, blog structure, tone, style and content governance. Impart flexibility and freedom to them to write on inspirational topics that personalize and boost your brandings. Encourage them to share these blog posts on their social media handles and the internet for the customers to read.

Employee Magazines

Brands should acknowledge that employee engagement is as important as winning over customers. Forge and publish employee magazines that are highly personalized and appreciate their hard work. Make them feel valued and provide constructive feedback

Bestow them with the awards and honors which they deserve. Highlight the key achievements of your team by giving them incentives and improving their morale. Use multiple formats like social media, digital or print media for this magazine. Tailor your text and get your whole team on the content ship!

Passionate and informed employees advocate their brands more strongly than the firms which do not practice internal content marketing. Brush up their inventive skills by valuing their talents and inspiring them to generate new ideas. Stimulate the employees to work out of their current roles. Provide product videos, memorable presentations, and newsletters to your employees just as you would to your customers. Encourage different departments for marketing ideation sessions and build a stronghold on content marketing.

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