Home Personality Jordan Bratman: Christina Aguilera’s First Husband, Divorced as She Found New Love

Jordan Bratman: Christina Aguilera’s First Husband, Divorced as She Found New Love

by Louise W. Rice

Christina Aguilera is one of the most popular singers in the world. Throughout her career, Aguilera has won several awards, including Grammy’s and Billboard music awards. 

Although Christina has been in the limelight for years, her personal life remains a mystery to most fans. For example, many people don’t know that she was married back in 2005 to music producer Jordan Bratman. 

So, if you’d like to learn more about the singer’s ex-husband, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Bratman. 

I’ll cover his life and give you some insight into his relationship with Aguilera. 

Jordan Bratman’s Early Life

Jordan Bratman’s Early Life

Before I jump into Bratman’s relationship with Aguilera, let’s talk about his early days. For starters, Jordan began his life in the South Bronx, New York City. 

He was born on June 4th, 1977 to Jack and Gail Bratman. Besides that, Jordan also has a brother, Josh. 

The public knows very little about Jordan’s upbringing, but one aspect was clear. His parents made sure he grew up in an environment where they encouraged artistic expression. 

That’s most likely because his father was an acclaimed music producer himself. 

From a young age, Bratman experimented with his own style of music. By the time he was 16, he’d already had a few internships for several record companies under his belt. 

So, when Jordan graduated high school, he enrolled at Tulane University, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He pursued a Bachelor of Arts degree in business management. 

Jordan Bratman’s Career

Jordan Bratman’s Career

While Bratman was in college, he took a job at the American Sector record label. There, he got the chance to work with several emerging artists and expanded his reach in the music industry. 

Yet, it wasn’t until 1999 that Jordan’s career started booming. At the time, he met Dallas Austin, a Grammy Award-winning producer. 

Austin quickly took a liking to Bratman and recognized his talent. So Dallas hired Jordan to run the A&R department of DARP Music. 

Under Bratman’s leadership, DARP became highly successful and worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry. That includes Madonna, Michael Jackson, Boyz II Men, Pink, and TLC. 

Later, Jordan moved to Los Angeles, where he got a job at UMG Soundtracks. This opportunity allowed him to assemble the soundtracks of quite a few movies. 

Jordan Bratman and Christina Aguilera Meet

Jordan Bratman and Christina Aguilera Meet

Even though Bratman has had a full career in the music industry, he managed to stay out of the spotlight for most of it. Yet, this all changed when he met Christina Aguilera

In 2002, Aguilera released her fourth studio album, Stripped. It gave us classic singles like Beautiful, Fighter, and The Voice Within. 

This marked a huge milestone in her career, and at the same time, she met Bratman. The two hit it off almost instantly and began a fiery, passionate romance. 

During the early stages of the relationship, Bratman represented all the qualities the singer never saw in a masculine figure. This is due to her troubled upbringing. 

Jordan was stable, safe, and a great supporter. So, a few years after they met, Bratman proposed. He filled a room with pink and red decorations like balloons, flowers, and gift boxes. 

Christina had to go through all the wrapped boxes until she found one with a ring. Then Jordan got down on one knee and asked, “Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

Jordan Bratman and Christina Aguilera’s Marriage

Jordan Bratman and Christina Aguilera’s Marriage

Bratman and Aguilera were engaged for about nine months. Then, in November 2005, the couple tied the knot in Napa County, California.

For about three years, Jordan and Christina were happily married and madly in love. This love would multiply when their son, Max Bratman, was born in 2008. 

Although, the happy times wouldn’t last for long. Christina began to feel more independent in the relationship and drifted away from Bratman. 

Then, Aguilera met Matthew Rutler, an assistant director, on the set of her movie Burlesque. The singer quickly developed feelings for Rutler. 

Sadly, this spelled the end of her relationship with Jordan. So, in November 2010, the couple decided to separate. 

A month later, the singer filed for divorce and asked for joint legal and physical custody of their son, Max. 

Yet, it wasn’t until April 2011 that the divorce was finalized with a private settlement and custody deal. 

Jordan Bratman as a Dad

By the end of their relationship, Jordan and Christina had drifted apart. While both wanted to make the relationship work, they had just grown into different people. 

This led to several heated arguments, which made life at home a little unstable. That’s why the two decided to separate. 

Neither one wanted their son to grow up in an environment that wasn’t healthy for him. So, they agreed that they’d be better parents to Max if they each went their separate ways. 

Since then, Aguilera has stated that Jordan has always been a good father to their son and remains a constant supportive presence. 

Wrapping Up

Jordan Bratman is a music producer who’s worked with many artists throughout his career. Yet, he only appeared in the limelight when he married singer Christina Aguilera. 

The two fell in love and tied the knot in 2009 and had a child in 2010. However, the fairytale wouldn’t last long, as the couple got a divorce in 2011. 

Since then, the two are committed to raising Max together in a harmonious environment.

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