Home Personality Sebastian Maniscalco Net Worth: From Waiting Tables to The World’s Top-Earning Comedian Status – How Much Is This Comedic Genius Worth?

Sebastian Maniscalco Net Worth: From Waiting Tables to The World’s Top-Earning Comedian Status – How Much Is This Comedic Genius Worth?

by Louise W. Rice

What better way could you end your day than opening one of Sebastian Maniscalco’s comedy specials and immersing yourself in laughter?

As a successful entertainer, have you ever wondered how rich that man is? I bet you did. Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore.

Today, I’m covering Sebastian Maniscalco’s net worth to show you how rich he truly is.

What Does Sebastian Maniscalco Do for a Living?

Before I get into the details of Maniscalco’s net worth, I need to cover the streams of income he pursued throughout his career.

1. Stand-Up Comedy

Sebastian Maniscalco Net Worth

If you love stand-up, you probably know Maniscalco as one of the biggest names in the comedy scene today. With a combination of offensive comedy and observational humor, his bits always left an impression on his audience.

In the age of social media, you may have heard of comedians reaching worldwide fame overnight. That wasn’t Maniscalco’s story. His rise to fame was slow and agonizing.

He waited tables at the Four Seasons Hotel to support himself while pursuing comedy. He would take his lunch break, do a bit at the Comedy Store, and then return to serve pasta to customers.

After seven years of grinding, Maniscalco gained enough recognition to pursue stand-up full-time. He started booking bigger gigs and getting invited to do his bits on TV.

Maniscalco’s first big breakthrough came in 2009 with his first comedy special, Sebastian Live, which put his name on the map. It was all uphill from there.

The comedian became crazy popular. How crazy? Well, in 2017, FORBES labeled him as one of the highest-paying comedians in the world, earning $15 million between 2016 and 2017.

In those 12 months, Maniscalco booked over 100 shows, released four comedy specials, and made $238,161 a show. If that’s not enough proof of financial success, I don’t know what is.

2. Movies

Sebastian Maniscalco Net Worth

To be a great comedian, you need to have solid acting skills. After all, comedy isn’t just about the material. It’s about the delivery, and Sebastian knows how to deliver.

So, It wasn’t surprising that producers/directors wanted him to hit the big screen. In 2017, Maniscalco made his film debut in The House, working alongside Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler.

Although his role was small, it allowed him to show off solid acting skills and was a good learning experience that helped him the following year.

In 2018, Maniscalco was chosen for a supporting role in the iconic Green Book. The movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture, and the comedian’s portrayal of Johnny Venere received high praise.

Do you think that’s impressive? Wait until you hear Martin Scorsese chose him to play “Crazy” Joe Gallo in the hit movie The Irishman.

You might think that Maniscalco wouldn’t get enough room to shine in a movie with Al Pacino and Rebert De Niro, but you’d be wrong. His performance captivated the audience and was one of the most engaging aspects of the movie.

There isn’t any public information on how much money the comedian made from these movies.

Let’s face it, though: He’s a successful comedian working on some of the most ambitious projects to hit the screen in the past decade. You know he got millions of dollars.

3. TV Shows

Sebastian Maniscalco Net Worth

What? Did you expect Maniscalco to only stick to movies? Of course not! His success on the big screen prompted producers to cast him on long-term projects.

Yes, I’m talking about HBO’s Bookie. Maniscalco plays Danny, a veteran bookie who struggles to make a living after sports gambling has become illegal.

The show offers everything you might want from a TV series: Comedy, heart-warming relationships, drama, and more.

Maniscalco’s performance is both hilarious and authentic. The show was successful enough that HBO decided to shoot a second season.

4. Podcast

Sebastian Maniscalco Net Worth

Image source: Google

As a versatile entertainer, Maniscalco recognized the rising popularity of podcasts. So, he teamed up with Pete Correale to make The Pete and Sebastian Show.

The two comedians meet once a week to talk about everyday events while adding a sprinkle of comedy to their topics. As I said, comedy is all about delivery.

That includes your expressions and body language. Making the audience laugh with only your voice is ten times harder, but Maniscalco and Correale do it seamlessly.

That’s why the podcast quickly became a fan-favorite and was picked up by iHeartPodcast Network. If you don’t know, that’s one of the most extensive podcast networks in the world. So, that should tell you how successful the podcast was.

5. Writing

Sebastian Maniscalco Net Worth

I initially covered scraps of Maniscalco’s rise to fame, and I bet you were curious to know all the details of his career. You can read that in the comedian’s book, “Stay Hungry.”

Stay Hungry

Maniscalco covers everything about his career in that book, including his rough start, living off tips/stolen food, and how he was booed off stages. I’m barely scratching the surface, though.

Sebastian shares personal stories that he’s never shared with the public before. That includes growing up in a dysfunctional Italian family, his parents’ divorce, and his wife’s miscarriages.

So, if you want to know more about your favorite comedian’s personal life, that book is the way to go. Of course, Maniscalco added his classic humor to his writing, so you’ll also get a few laughs.

About My Father

About My Father

After success in his debut book, Maniscalco decided to take his writing to the big screen. With the help of Austin Earl, he wrote About My Father, a light-hearted comedy that tackles his relationship with his father.

No, the movie isn’t a documentary. It’s fictional. However, it authentically depicts the dynamics between Maniscalco and his father, played by De Niro.

That wasn’t the first time the comedian talked about his father in public, as he constantly mentioned him in his comedy bits. This one is different, though.

Maniscalco wanted the world to know how his father has always been extremely honest and opinionated with him and how that made him the man he is today.

6. Real Estate

As if selling out gigs and starring in hit movies wasn’t enough, Maniscalco has also made a couple of impressive real estate investments.

2014, he bought a Mediterranean-style house in Los Angeles for $2.8 million. Yes, it’s a lot of money, but he listed 2019 for $4.5 million.

That’s an easy $ 1.7 million profit right there. Why did he sell that house? Because he was moving into a bigger one.

Yes, Maniscalco bought Gwen Stefani’s mansion in Beverly Hills for $21.6 million in the same year. Imagine how much he’ll get if he decides to sell that one.

How Much Is Sebastian Maniscalco’s Net Worth?

Sebastian Maniscalco Net Worth

Sebastian Maniscalco has a net worth of $35 million. Are you surprised? The man has sold out more comedy gigs than you can imagine. I’m amazed he’s not worth more.

Wrapping Up

Sebastian Maniscalco’s net worth results from years of perseverance and hard work. Even when the odds were against him, he never stopped grinding.

It’s only natural that a man with such a die-hard attitude would get what he wants.

Images source: Instagram

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