Home Job How to Get Paid to Test Websites: Best Job Ever

How to Get Paid to Test Websites: Best Job Ever

by Louise W. Rice

Do you want to make some extra money? If your answer is ‘yes,’ I have just the solution. In this day and age, there is a job for just about anything, and that includes testing websites (and getting paid to do it). All that sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not! You can get paid to test websites and even potentially turn it into a full time job.

If you want to give it a go, everything you really need is a good internet connection and some basic computer knowledge.

What Is Website Testing?

The process of testing websites comes from companies and individuals who want to have a user-friendly website that is easy to navigate. For that, people need to review the site and give feedback on what works and what doesn’t.

Website testers are tasked with examining the website, accessing all the links and images, and deciding whether or not anything needs to be tweaked. For example, there might be an image that isn’t exactly visible — a website tester would notify the website owner to have it adjusted. That is, in essence, how the process for enhancing the user experience works.

Interestingly, most big companies hire people specialized in such tasks. Others, however, choose to take a slightly different approach — and that’s where you come in.

The Requirements and How to Get Started

There are no particular qualifications you need to have in order to start, other than speaking English fluently. Apart from that, it would be ideal to check the following:

• Have a stable internet connection
• Have a microphone
• Know the basics of web searching (such as what a link is)

If you’re thinking, ‘But wait, anyone can do this!’ that is exactly why you should consider it. It’s a lot easier than you might think, and it can pay well.

What You Actually Need to Do

It will all start with you signing up for one of the websites listed below. You will have to get verified, and once verified, you’ll receive orders via email.

Once you receive a test, you will usually go on a voice call with the person responsible for resolving the user testing reviews. They will give you instructions on what you should do. In other cases, you’d be required to record a video of your screen while navigating the website.

In the process, you will be monitored to check how easily accessible you find the website. You might also receive a survey that you need to fill out, which will wrap up your experience using the website.

How You Get Paid

If you are thinking about giving website testing a shot, then you first need to set up a PayPal account. Most website owners pay testers through PayPal, as it is a secure way. The money typically arrives within a few days.

Is There a Fixed Working Schedule?

Freelance website testing is not a nine-to-five office job per se, but rather one that you dictate the pace of. You will have to manage your own time, and decide if you want to do more than one test a day. In other words, you choose how much you work.

On average, a test can last between 15 and 30 minutes. For example, you could test multiple websites for several companies in a single day, and nobody would try to stop you. Just make sure the tests don’t overlap.

Can Website Testing Become a Full-Time Job?

In my opinion, working from home has a lot of benefits, but it might not come easy for everyone. In order to get paid to test websites and successfully turn it into a full time job, you should follow a few guidelines:

1. Have a Schedule

Working from home can be more freeing than any other job, but don’t let that fool you. In order to actually make enough money, you need to allocate enough time to work, as well as take regular breaks.

2. Set a Daily Goal

While some tests might be more extensive than others, they could also pay better. Try to set a daily target on how much money you want to make, and stick to it. That will help you estimate how much money you could make within a month.

For instance, you could take up three $10 orders that take one hour to complete, or take on one $25 order that takes the same amount of time.

3. There is No Contract

You will be working as a freelancer, and will not have a contract binding you to a single place. That means you can sign up to multiple sites and get gigs from all of them, which can be both good and bad. On the one hand, you can do tests for multiple companies. On the other, there is no guarantee that you will get paid the same for every test.

As you can see, freelance website testing comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. All in all, with enough dedication, you could turn it from a casual extra income activity, into a full-time job.

7 Sites That Let You Get Paid to Test Websites

I’ve compiled a list of my 7 favorite websites that are legit, easy to use, and beginner-friendly. I would suggest you check them out and sign up for the ones you find most convenient.

1. TryMyUI

You will earn $10 for about 15 to 20 minutes of work. First up, you’ll need to take a simple qualification test. That will show you understand the requirements. Afterwards, you’ll start to receive tasks via email. Payments are sent via PayPal, usually on Fridays.

2. UserTesting

All you need to do is sign up via email. After a short qualification test, you will start receiving tasks that pay $10 (and upwards to $60) per test.

3. Userlytics

This site will let you test websites and apps, and pay you $5 – $20 for it. You need to fill out a form and answer the questions you receive, and that’s about it. Although normal tests pay between $5 – $20, from time to time more complex tests can appear, that can pay more than $20.

4. Validately

On Validately, you will have to sign up and provide some basic demographic information. Demographics will influence the kind of gigs you get, so keep that in mind. The tests pay from $10 to $70, and you will receive new tasks via email, daily.

5. PingPong

PingPong offers testers between $20 and $100 per hour for taking part in user interviews and user tests. A session lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, and you need to have access to a camera and microphone.

6. Enroll

If you don’t have access to a laptop or desktop computer all the time, Enroll has a solution. You can use your tablet or phone to take various user tests. Some tasks on Enroll are very (and I mean very) straightforward, and you can finish them within minutes. The pay varies according to the task, from 10 cents to a few bucks.

7. Ferpection

Ferpection is a website that doesn’t require you to have a camera or microphone. You will have to sign up on the site, and once you’re done signing up, you can start looking for tests. When testing the websites, you can offer your feedback by submitting screenshots of the features that need adjustment within the website where you signed up.

In my opinion, this is one of the best starter websites for people who want to get familiar with website testing.

Start Testing Today

No matter if you already have a job or not, you can always get paid to test websites. This can be a very profitable side gig. If you have even an extra hour a day to dedicate to it, you should by all means give it a try.

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