Home Shopping 5 Things You Need To Know When Shopping in Kuala Lumpur

5 Things You Need To Know When Shopping in Kuala Lumpur

by Louise W. Rice

Malaysia is a varied country; however, your mind is likely drawn to the sun-drenched beaches and diverse cultures when you try to conjure an image of the place. Although, you may also be shocked to learn that there is more to this part of the world than initially thought. In fact, the capital city of Kuala Lumpur makes for quite a nice shopping location for residents and tourists alike.

Kuala Lumpur is two hundred and forty-three square kilometers, so where should you start? Here is everything you need to know about shopping in this part of Malaysia.

IOI City Mall

Since Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia, you can expect to find many shopping outlets within its boundaries. You can visit any of these places for a great shopping trip; however, the biggest mall in the city is IOI City Mall.

This huge complex is located within the IOI resort, and it houses over six hundred and fifty attractions. The mall is filled to the brim with designer clothes outlets, restaurants, supermarkets, and cinemas. However, the most impressive feature is the Olympic-style ice rink which is almost seventy thousand square feet in diameter. Anyone heading to Kuala Lumpur can easily spend a day inside these walls, so make sure you plan out plenty of time to experience everything inside the IOI City Mall.

Cheap Goods

One of the positive aspects of living in the southern part of Asia is that the countries in the region are currently experiencing a low cost of living. In fact, the cost of living in Kuala Lumpur is currently lower than in both the UK and USA. As a result, you will find that the items on the shelves are much cheaper than in the western world.

All you need to do to understand how cheap your shopping trip will be in Kuala Lumpur is to visit PropertyGuru and search the prices for Tropicana The Residences. This luxury property is in demand and will make for a great investment opportunity. Compare these house prices to that of the western world, and you can see just how much you stand to save when shopping in this part of the world. There’s no catch either. The goods you buy will be of the same quality, you just have a low cost of living to thank for the lower prices.

High-Density Population

You can expect any major city in the world to have a large population. Unfortunately, Kuala Lumpur takes the notion of a high-density population to another level.

The capital city of Malaysia is comprised mainly of high-rise apartments. This accommodation results in a much higher number of people living in a smaller area. Add to this fact the number of tourists that the city receives every year, and you can expect your shopping trip in Kuala Lumpur to be very crowded. There are plenty of malls to accommodate this influx of shoppers, but you will still need to come prepared for a busy trip.

Market Stalls

While there is certainly a plethora of high-end shopping centers in Kuala Lumpur, some of the best items are found in unlikely places. That is why it is always a good idea to hit the market stalls on a shopping spree. Fortunately, you will find a slew of these in the Bukit Bintang region.

This market is one of the oldest parts of the city, and you will find it located among a series of youth hostels. The goods for sale in this district are perfect for people searching for a bargain, but the real fun of this place starts at night. The market stays open long into the early hours of the morning, and you will find many entertainment options surrounding the stalls. Who said you couldn’t leave a nightclub and start perusing a market?


One of the most popular reasons to shop in a new location is to find unique souvenirs to bring back home. You will certainly find plenty of odd objects to buy on the streets of Kuala Lumpur; however, you will find it impossible to miss the range of pewter goods on display.

Pewter is one of Malaysia’s most common natural resources. As such, it is used to create all kinds of wonderful items. You will find this material in clothes, shoes, decorations, kitchenware, and more. If you really wanted to show the world that you have been on a shopping trip to Kuala Lumpur, then you may want to consider buying a souvenir laced in Pewter. Only the people that have been to this region will truly understand why.


As you can see, there are many reasons to consider Kuala Lumpur as the location for your next shopping trip. It has a wide variety of goods at low prices. What else could you ask for?

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