Home Pets 6 Things to Consider Before Getting a Puppy

6 Things to Consider Before Getting a Puppy

by Louise W. Rice

There’s no better addition to a home and a family than a puppy. They are cuddly and fun and grow into dogs that will bring you a lifetime of companionship and love. But, while everyone loves puppies, that doesn’t mean a puppy is suitable for every home. So, if you are considering getting a new addition to your household, you need to think long and hard about the implications. Here are six things to consider before getting a puppy.

1. Do You Have Time to Commit?

You can’t expect to get a puppy and then leave it alone all day while you are at work or socializing with friends. Puppies take time and effort to train and treat properly. Likewise, you shouldn’t have a puppy if you can’t walk your dog and commit to play and snuggle times. Dogs thrive on exercise and affection, and if you cannot commit to those things, you should reconsider.

2. Is Your Home Pet Friendly?

It might not seem like it, but the average home can have many hazards for puppies and dogs. Not only that, but you also want to provide your puppy with a fun environment where they can exercise and play. Make sure that a puppy wouldn’t be able to get anything dangerous, such as household chemicals or medications. If you have particularly steep stairs, your puppy could fall down them before their legs are long enough and strong enough to navigate them properly. Certain plants can be toxic as well.

You will need a space for the puppy to do their business on your property. Ideally, that is an enclosed backyard, but that isn’t possible for everyone. You can tie a puppy up outside as long as it is secure, and you clean up after them every day.

3. What Breed Do You Want

One of the best things you can do for yourself and a puppy is chosen a breed that is likely to match your lifestyle. For example, if you lead a more sedentary life and do not spend a lot of time outdoors, choosing a breed that requires a lot of action and activity doesn’t make much sense. The converse is true as well. Some breeds are hypoallergenic if you have allergies or tend to be worse for those with respiratory issues. So when choosing between golden retriever or cockapoo puppies for sale, go with the breed that works best for you.

4. Can You Handle the Mess?

Do you pride yourself on having a spotless home? Is everything always in its place, and not a smudge can be found anywhere? If so, then having a puppy might not be suitable for you.

For one thing, puppies will make messes on the floor before they are housetrained. This can be particularly upsetting if you have nice clean carpets. They will also jump on furniture before they learn not to, and they could potentially chew on things. Also, having a pristine yard is difficult with a puppy around. They run and play, plus they like to dig and cause mischief. Finally, you must understand that your picture-perfect home will not be so after a puppy has lived there for a while.

5. Do You Have the Money?

First, you will have to pay to adopt your new dog. The cost for adoption can vary wildly, depending on where you get your puppy from and what breed they are. Purebreds are usually more expensive, for example. However, that’s not where the costs end.

You will need to buy food, plus equipment such as bowls, leashes, collars, a doggie bed, and toys. Then you will have to avail dog insurance for your dog’s regular veterinary visits and potential treatments if the dog gets sick. Unless you do it yourself, you will also have to pay for regular grooming and nail care. Make sure you can handle these costs before committing to your new puppy.

6. Can You Lose Sleep?

While not the same, puppies are a lot like babies, they are learning a new world and trying to figure out their place. They don’t understand what is happening around them, what you want, and how their routine will work. That means a puppy could very well wake you up in the middle of the night to go outside or feed.

You might have to figure out what they want, which could go on for some time before the pup figures out how things will work. You must be prepared to have that adjustment period and be patient with your new family member. In the end, it will all be worth it.

While deciding to get a puppy is a fun idea, it also involves some work and other commitments. Make sure that you consider these before you take the plunge. You will be happy you did, and your puppy will be too.

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