Home Health Ways to Enjoy Life After Cataract Surgery

Ways to Enjoy Life After Cataract Surgery

by Louise W. Rice

Are you thinking about finally undergoing surgery to remove your cataracts? Or perhaps you already have, and you are discovering a new lease of life through those fresh new lenses? Whatever the case may be, there are many ways you can keep your vision healthy after cataract surgery, while enjoying your new outlook on life.

If you want to utilize the benefits that come with cataract surgery, here are some tips that might help on your journey of self-development and care.

Enjoy Reading Again

One of the main benefits of cataract surgery is that you no longer have to worry about straining your eyes when you read, which can re-connect you to the enjoyment of it. Reading is exceptionally good for your brain; it can ensure that your mind stays agile and healthy well into old age. Also, the joys of a great book are something to behold. Perhaps you will be able to pick up a novel from a favorite author again or start something completely new entirely.

Start Painting

Echoing Claude Monet in his garden in Giverny — Monet himself suffered from cataracts — you might find it both fun and beneficial for your mental health to start painting. By starting a hobby like this, you can engage your creative passions and mindset while relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety. This can be great for you in the long term.

Take it Easy at First

It may be incredibly exciting to think of all the possibilities laying out before you, but it is important to remember to look after yourself and your eyes. There are a few things you might want to consider adding into your daily routine, such as:

  • Remembering to regularly clean your eyes after the operation
  • Not driving until your doctor has given you permission
  • Being careful to not strain yourself through exercise

With a little care and attention, you may start to enjoy the quality of your day-to-day vision after cataract surgery once again. But do not be alarmed if your vision is still blurry for the first few days following surgery! That is only natural as you adapt to the new lens.

Watch Some T.V.

Watching T.V. is fine too, as long as you remember to not strain your eyes too much. Perhaps now is the time to finish that series you loved or start a new one entirely. Life after cataract surgery can be full of positives because of your new and improved vision.

A Well-Deserved Vacation

When your resting period has ended, why not treat yourself to a nice vacation somewhere warm? Without the worry of whether your vision will get in the way of your travels, you can start to get excited for new adventures again!

Since the winter months can sometimes take their toll on your well-being, a warm vacation can dispel those winter blues. After a long year and a new lens inside your eye, a nice vacation might be just what you deserve.

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