Home Food Plant Based Vs Vegan Diets

Plant Based Vs Vegan Diets

by Louise W. Rice

What it means to be plant-based

We heard you are looking for plant based food delivery options? Well, before you dig into the word of veganism and plant-based food, let PlantSumo make you understand in a more profound sense how both are different and similar.

Being plant-based, only refers to your diet, whereas being a vegan is a lifestyle more than just a diet.

A plant-based diet is one in which most or all of the food consumed is plant-based. Plant-based individuals may still consume animal-derived products while calling themselves plant-based.

“Whole foods, plant-based” is another term used to describe a diet composed mainly of raw or minimally processed whole plant foods.

When eating a whole-food, plant-based diet, people avoid oils and processed grains, while these can be consumed by vegans and other people who eat plant-based diets.

As there are so many processed vegan foods available, the “whole foods” distinction is important. Certain types of boxed macaroni and cheese are vegan, but they are not appropriate for a plant-based diet.

Defining veganism

One can also describe one’s lifestyle as vegan, which goes beyond diet.

As far as is realistically possible, veganism is defined as avoiding consuming, using, or exploiting animals. The general idea is to minimize the amount of harm to animals through life decisions, while leaving room for individual preferences.

Usually, vegans do not purchase items that come from animals or are tested on them, in addition to not consuming animal products.

Clothing, shoes, accessories, and personal care products are commonly in this category. If you’re vegan, you may also avoid medications or vaccinations tested on animals or using animal byproducts.

It is possible to be both vegan and plant-based

Plant-based and vegan lifestyles are not mutually exclusive, since these terms do not place a restriction on people’s choices regarding their lifestyles.

In order to achieve their health goals, many people initially adopt a vegan diet and avoid animal products in their diet. As a result, their diet takes on a plant-based, whole-foods composition.

A person may begin by eating a vegan diet, move on to avoid animal products in other areas of their life, and then decide to adopt a vegan lifestyle altogether.

In a nutshell

The number of animal products people consume is reducing or eliminating for many people. Plant-based or vegan diets aren’t labeled by everyone, others don’t care about labels.

As the name suggests, a plant-based diet is one that is primarily composed of plant foods, few or none of which come from animals. Diets based on whole foods and plants mean processed foods and oils have to be excluded as well.

Vegetarianism includes not only diet, but also a person’s lifestyle choices. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle aimed to avoid causing harm to animals in any way, including through products used or purchased.

The environmental impact of animal products is also taken into account by vegans.

In spite of their fundamental differences, these two terms have a great deal in common. They are both gaining popularity, and when planned properly, both can be healthy.

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