Home Health How Physical Therapy Can Help Recover From Surgery

How Physical Therapy Can Help Recover From Surgery

by Louise W. Rice

Today we will talk about the important role of Physical Therapy as a rehabilitation method after undergoing surgery. Although physical therapy is equally important before surgery, the biggest challenge is for the patient to return to normal life little by little with the help of these treatments.

How is physical therapy used at this stage?

In general, physical therapy is applied to a patient immediately the day after surgery or the following week, depending on the complexity of the intervention, of course.

In rehabilitation treatments, specific exercises are performed, well-studied movements, focused on the muscles, joints, or other parts of the body that suffer in the postoperative stage. In this way, the recovery is more effective, and the sequelae that could appear are avoided.

Main considerations

It is clear that after surgery, the doctor will tell you to not perform any physical activity because the body or some part of the body, in particular, is weak and requires special reconditioning. This does not mean that you will not be able to do sports again, for example, but the patient must have patience and will to go through this stage of recovery.

In some cases, such as the knee, hip, arms surgeries, etc., are relatively simple and without further complications. In other cases, the interventions tend to be more complex and require special monitoring by the doctor and the physiotherapists.

Benefits of postoperative physical therapy

Physiotherapy has great virtues when it comes to rehabilitating the human body, assisting each patient in transitioning into normal life again. Among those we can mention:

Helps relieve post-surgical pain

To counteract the pain caused by surgery and the discomfort of the intervened area, to a lesser or greater degree, partial rest or for an indeterminate time does not always have good results. This is why physical therapy plays an extremely important role in physical rehabilitation and the emotional side of the patient.

It focuses on flexibility and mobility

Bearing in mind that not all postsurgical conditions have the same complexity, in most cases, patients must stop their daily activities for some time, short or long. Although this helps to heal or heal wounds, the body goes into a state of numbness. Care must be taken to treat it correctly, with specific mobility exercises for each patient, strengthening the affected areas.

Accelerates patient recovery

Physiotherapy is one of the most effective methods to rehabilitate patients who have left the surgery room. With the appropriate accompaniment of a physiotherapist and doctors or surgeons in general, a comprehensive, guided, and the controlled plan is designed to minimize any type of postoperative risk and improve the patient’s day-to-day, physically and emotionally.

Summing up

Both before and after surgery, physical therapy has a positive effect on patients. This discipline of medicine is practiced in all areas that involve rehabilitating patients with certain mobility impairments.

If you require personalized support and optimal postoperative recovery, the Miracle Physical Therapy and Massage Center, located in the heart of Michigan State, has top-of-the-line professionals who will help you restore mobility and confidence to move forward. Contact them or visit their two locations: either the physical therapy clinic in Warren, MI or the one in Farmington Hills.

Make sure to book an appointment with a physical therapist so you can recover fully and get back to your life. Do not rush your recovery and skip steps that your therapist advised you to take. It can save you time and money in the future.

You don’t want to relapse and go back to the surgery room, so follow the instructions carefully from the trained professionals.

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