Home Relationship 5 Reasons Why Flower Bouquet Is The Perfect Gift For Female Coworkers

5 Reasons Why Flower Bouquet Is The Perfect Gift For Female Coworkers

by Louise W. Rice

You might find yourself wondering what an appropriate gift for a female coworker is? You want to appear thoughtful and considerate without conveying the wrong message and getting too personal.

For centuries, flowers have been given as gifts to family and friends, loved ones, and coworkers. They can convey emotions, thoughts, and feelings like few other presents can. Whether to congratulate, offer condolences, or say thank you flowers are indeed one of the best options.

There are numerous reasons why a flower bouquet can make the perfect gift, especially for female coworkers. Here are five of the top reasons:

#1. Flowers Can Help Relieve Stress and Bring Joy

If you’ve ever received a bouquet, you would know the excitement, gratitude, and happiness that comes with it. Few things compare to the feeling of joy and the instant smile that covers your face as you look at a lovely array of brightly colored petals and vivid green stems. 

Positivity and hope usually accompany this happiness. Flowers can boost a coworker’s spirit, helping to beat back feelings of loneliness and sadness. 

We all know that stress levels in the office can be high, often resulting in negativity and feelings of under-appreciation. Flowers can be a great way of saying “I appreciate you” or “thank you for the work you do”, if not for a special occasion.

Research has shown that giving a bouquet has a positive impact on emotional health. People that receive flowers tend to feel less agitated and depressed even days after receiving them. The enjoyment of looking at something pretty, bright, and alive relieves stress and gives satisfaction.

#2. Flowers Show That You Care

Sending a bouquet to a coworker shows that you took time and effort to get a gift for them, even if you ordered it online. They’ll appreciate that you intentionally tried to brighten up their day or mood. 

The language of flowers has a long and intricate history, but in short, there are some varieties and colors that are best to avoid in the workplace. For example, people associate red roses with love and romance, so some could see it as inappropriate among colleagues. Many people link lilies with death and funerals, so some might not appreciate them at a joyous celebration. 

Flowers show that you care about the highs and lows of your coworker’s life. Some of the reasons to send flowers to a colleague could be:

  • To congratulate a coworker on an engagement, wedding, or birth of a child. Here it could be appropriate to give a colleague pink or white roses days before her marriage or to celebrate the birth of a baby girl, for example.
  • To offer your condolences if they have lost a loved one. Flowers are an excellent sympathy gift and can help brighten up their office, desk, or home in a time where it may seem dark and depressing.
  • To celebrate a birthday, going-away-party, or retirement. The flowers you give for a celebration could even help liven up an event or party. Yellow roses tend to mean friendship and wishes for good health, so they are suitable for birthdays or going-away parties.Yellow roses
  • To say thank you and that you appreciate them for helping you to complete a project, for example. Be careful of giving flowers to coworkers “just because,” as this could be misinterpreted and start rumors that you’re romantically interested.

If you don’t want to delve into the intricacies of flower language, go for a bright composition with different flowers or ask your florist.

#3. It’s a Safe Go-To Gift That’s Not Too Personal

It could be that you want to give a female coworker a gift but don’t know them well enough to buy something personal. Flowers make the perfect presents in these cases as they’re convenient and accessible. 

Sending flowers could also be very personal if you know their favorite color, arrangement, and type. At the end of the day, a coworker will appreciate a bouquet more than some unnecessary gift. Just be sure to stay away from too fragrant flowers, as some people might be allergic.

#4. Flowers Create a Lasting Impression 

No matter the size or type, a bouquet creates a positive impression not only with the person who received them but also with other coworkers that saw your gesture. The receiver will think of you every time they see or walk past the composition, helping to reinforce a good, pleasant relationship.

Rutgers University wrote a journal on the “Approach to Positive Emotion: Flowers.” This research found that people that give flowers as gifts tend to seem more caring, successful, and emotionally intelligent. 

Some additional findings of the research concluded:

  • Givers of flowers, both men and women, are generally perceived as happy, capable, and achieving individuals.
  • Givers tend to convey the impression that they can express their feelings and care about understanding others’ feelings.
  • That people who give flowers seem to regard nature and beauty. 

Pink Roses

Sending flowers conveys a message that can influence and change what people think of you. Make your choices carefully, as blooms can be a great way to enhance friendships and business relationships.

#5. To Visually Inspire and Spark Creativity

Blooms and colorful petals have a lasting visual effect and impact. Sending or giving flowers can make a show and draw attention even if you cannot attend an event. 

An environment with colorful flowers commands attention and attracts the eye. That’s why flowers are used so often in decoration. They brighten up an office or a desk and stir feelings of happiness and positivity long after being given. 

Flowers add color and a pleasing aroma that can inspire and boost productivity. Admiring the beauty encapsulated in a single bouquet helps to clear the mind and promote a healthier environment. Adding flowers to an office space is one of the steps to a happy and motivated team. 

In Closing

Anyone can appreciate a lovely arrangement of flowers as a present no matter the occasion or reason. A bouquet is a perfect gift to brighten someone’s day and show them you care. It has the added benefit of impressing them and making you seem charming, not a bad prospect. 

Should you wish to give the best arrangement, do a bit of research on the message you want to convey, or find out what they like. When in doubt, ask an expert. Your florist should be able to offer valuable advice on color, types, and arrangements so you can pick a bouquet that sends the right message.

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