Home Travel Working And Traveling The World: Is It For You?

Working And Traveling The World: Is It For You?

by Louise W. Rice

Traveling is fun, and if you can work and travel at the same time… it’s like a dream come true! For countless travelers and digital nomads, working while traveling the world is a new lifestyle that is incredibly liberating. What better way to lead a fulfilling life than exploring different cultures, visiting other places, and having new experiences without draining your bank account?

Traveling comes with a bonus as researchers prove that living in a foreign country can spark your creativity for finding out-of-the-box solutions to complex problems.

Traveling and working side by side is liberating, no doubt, but this freedom comes with its own challenges. If your passion for traveling and living your life on your own terms can help you overcome those challenges, then there’s no way why you can’t work and travel at the same time. Let’s explore the challenges of living a nomadic life and help you analyze if working and traveling the world are a feasible choice for you.

You Feel Inspired by Changing Scenery

Some people don’t like to be in one place for long. They are inspired by new places, people, and experiences. It’s scientifically proven that some people can become more productive if they’re surrounded by nature instead of a cubicle.

Journal of Environmental Psychology published a study conducted on 150 university students subjected to different working environments. The results were remarkable! Those who worked with natural views such as plants, sounds of running water, or other natural elements had a much better attention span compared to those who confronted concrete walls and roofs.

So, if you’re one of those who are inspired by nature, you will flourish as a nomad working at a business in a scenic destination.

You Don’t Mind Improvising

No matter how well planned your trip is, an unexpected situation can occur at any time. At such moments, you will need to improvise and make do with what you’ve got. And, if you’re working, you’ll need to brush off these distractions and still remain productive.

If you’re a digital nomad, you need a reliable and fast internet connection at all times. It’s your lifeline because your earning depends on it. But you may also need to make-do with spotty internet and light fluctuations. You can get back up for the internet and pack power banks and extra batteries.

Lastly, you shouldn’t let your surroundings distract you. If you’re out on the beach working (that’s the idea, right?), you should be able to block the noise and remain productive in all situations.

Getting travel insurance is also a good idea. Safety wing and World Nomads are two of the most trusted and famous health insurance options for globetrotters. If you think little hiccups along the way can ruin the entire trip for you or affect your work quality, you might not want to work and travel together because it doubles the probability of the troubles you can face.

You Know How to Be Frugal

Typically the life of a nomad isn’t as glamorous as it looks on Insta. It can get expensive to live in fancy hotels and eat in restaurants all the time. You’ll have to spend cautiously and not mind it if you wish to work and travel the world. Especially in Europe or the United States, rates are high, and the hourly jobs may not pay enough to survive. Traveling doesn’t come easy on the budget, so you need to keep track of the money made versus the money spent.

To save money, you might have to live in hostels or share a room to divide the cost. You can also save money by cooking food yourself and making your own coffee instead of eating out. Also, think about staying in one place for at least a month to take advantage of long-term living arrangements. Frugal living can also allow you to use the saved money to stay in the area longer and buy tickets to explore a little farther.

Research the internet and look for cheaper airfares or special discounts. Similarly, plan your route carefully to maximize the places you can visit. Do you feel up to the challenge? Then you can travel on a budget and survive on the jobs you get at each destination.

You Can Work From Your Laptop

People do all kinds of odd or temporary jobs to earn money during the trip. But it sure is a relief if you don’t have to look for a job at a new place. Online jobs pay better, you don’t need to discontinue your services when it’s time to move, and you can work from any location.

Nomads can’t typically get office jobs, as they always travel from one place to another. The best alternative is to work online as a virtual sales assistant, social media manager, or content marketer or offer digital services as a freelancer, contractor, or consultant.

So, if you work from your laptop, or you have a soft skill, you can travel the world without worrying too much about the money. There’s a lot you can do with a laptop and a reliable internet connection. Some of the services digital nomads offer are:

  • Blogging
  • Graphic designing
  • Dropshipping
  • Digital Marketing
  • Brand collaborations

You can start an online business that doesn’t even require a lot of money to set up. Ecommerce provides a huge window of opportunity for laptop life as well.

You’re Good With Logistics

As a passionate traveler, you’ll be hopping from one place on the map to the other. Now, if you need to work while you travel, you should be meticulous with logistics. You cannot work unplanned because there are many, many factors involved. Visas are a big deal, and then you have to find out if you can work on a tourist visa or need a separate one depending on the destination country’s laws.

Digital nomads and remote workers rely solely on online work. It may seem that they don’t require any permit to work, but that’s not true. Many countries have issued special digital nomad visas making it easier for laptop workers to live and work in the host country.

From booking plane tickets to deciding where to stay and when to move, there are many moving parts to plan a trip. If this much certainty and planning don’t bother you, then working and traveling can be for you!

You Don’t Mind Uprooting Every Few Months

Traveling the world can be lonely, as friends and family are not with you. If you wish to travel full time, you’ll need to keep in touch digitally or not mind losing contact. Similarly, you cannot make long-term friendships if you’re moving every six months. You’ll have to trade freedom for the sense of belonging to a community. Does this sound like a fair bargain to you? Then you’re cut out to be a nomad.

It may seem like an extrovert’s forte to uproot every few months and go live with new people. They enjoy a diverse company and feel energized when they converse with different people. Even if they have a lousy or tiring day, they’re never too tired to go out and spend some quality time with other people. So, if you’re an extrovert, it might be right up your ally to hop on a world tour and get temporary jobs along the way.

Introverts may feel that this lifestyle isn’t for them, even though they crave to ditch the crowded city life and enjoy time alone surrounded by scenic landscapes, greenery, and natural air. However, you can book your tickets, accommodation, and even transportation right from your laptop in this online world. And, if you work online too, there’s no reason why you can’t travel the world without mingling with new people too much.

You’re Open-Minded and Curious

If you want to travel the world, you will encounter many different cultures, religions, and customs. It takes an open mind to accept that people do things differently in other parts of the world, and that is okay!

Globetrotters need to respect the cultures of the places they visit.

This world is vast, and every country has its own values and traditions. If you’re genuinely curious about the diverse cultures, colorful traditions, and rich history of the world, traveling will provide you a fantastic opportunity to expand your knowledge. It will also open your eyes to parallel realities and broaden your mind.

In some countries, you may need to cover head, shoulders, and legs when outside, while in others, being covered from head to toe may bring awkward attention. Some cultures are alien to the concept of clothing, and if all this sounds okay to you, you’re good to roam the world! Especially if you wish to work, you’ll need to conform to the host society’s norms.

Working and traveling has never been so easy. The availability of remote jobs and work-from-home options have made it easier for people to live anywhere they want without having enough money in the bank. You can easily earn your livelihood during travel as a digital nomad. So, pack your bags, grab your laptop, and you’re good to go on your next adventure.

Karli is a content marketer and founder of boutique agency JuiceBox. With over 10 years in the marketing industry, she’s worked with brands large and small across many industries to grow organic traffic and reach new audiences. She writes on everything from content marketing, social and SEO to travel and real estate. On the weekends, she loves to explore new places, enjoy the outdoors, and have a glass or two of vino!

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