Home Law What Qualifies As A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

What Qualifies As A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

by Louise W. Rice

Your physical or mental well-being has been negatively affected as a result of someone’s negligence? Then you might be able to qualify for a personal injury claim. But what exactly qualifies as a personal injury claim? If you struggle to answer this question, then this article is perfect for you. In the next paragraphs, you will have a look at some of the most important things you need to know about personal injury lawsuits and what exactly qualifies as a personal injury claim.

Your Feelings are Valid

Often, people who suffer personal injuries due to another’s negligence choose not to file a lawsuit as they think that their injuries are not severe enough. This is especially the case with mental injuries, where people are often told that they are exaggerating and that their feelings, emotions, and suffering are not valid. If you feel that your hurt and pain and suffering are justified, you already meet the first qualification for a personal injury lawsuit.

Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

If you are not sure whether or not your injury qualifies as a personal injury lawsuit, you should check if any of the following apply to your case:

  • slip and fall accidents
  • car accidents
  • on-the-job injuries
  • medical malpractice
  • defamation
  • assault and other intended tort claims
  • construction and construction site accidents
  • wrongful death accidents
  • other calamities that have affected your physical and mental health

The above mentioned are just some of the most common personal injury claims handled by a personal injury law firm daily. There are other instances of personal injuries that are more specific and less commonly encountered. Nonetheless, the frequency of a personal injury claim does not determine its winning chances. Every claim is valid and can have just as much or more compensation than expected with common personal injury cases.

Statute of Limitations

For a claim to qualify for a personal injury lawsuit, it needs to be filled within a defined time frame, called the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations begins when the plaintiff, the victim, has been injured or when the injury had been discovered. For every type of accident, there are different statutes of limitations. The same applies to limitations at the state level. The same claim can have a different statute of limitation in two other states. The situation gets even vaguer if the accident happened in a different state than the one you live in. To protect yourself and your claim, ensure that you are thoroughly verifying this information with a specialist.

Check With an Experienced Attorney

The last thing you want to check to determine whether or not your claim qualifies as a personal injury lawsuit is to verify this information with an experienced attorney. Consultations are an essential part of the process. Those who are looking to hire trademark lawyers often consult Cohn Legal and ask for assistance from some of the best attorneys when it comes to Intellectual Property. In your case, you can search for personal injury lawyers who offer free consultations for you to know what steps you must take. You can use this opportunity to discuss your claim and determine if it qualifies as a personal injury lawsuit.

Finally, determining if your claim is qualified can be difficult, especially to those who do not have to deal with legal matters on a day-to-day basis. However, with the help of this article, you are now one step closer to finding the answer to your question.

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