Home Business Understand Equipment Maintenance And Implement The Best Plans For Your Business

Understand Equipment Maintenance And Implement The Best Plans For Your Business

by Louise W. Rice

Industrial growth has led to the creation of better products and services. This development can be attributed to the advent of better and advanced equipment and expertise. Today, different types of equipment can be used for extensive industrial projects.

Maintenance is crucial no matter the type of equipment you use, whether mechanical assets, tools, computer systems, or heavy off-road vehicles. Wear and tear are common issues, and no equipment will not last forever. Equipment maintenance is crucial but will vary depending on the industry of use, age, and general condition.

General maintenance of equipment involves all the procedures and methods that keep them in good working condition. It is a common practice in industries such as food production, automobile, aerospace, manufacturing, hospitality, construction, and electric power industry. For each industry to achieve its goal, it’s wise to keep the machines serviced and working correctly.

An Overview of Equipment Maintenance- Why You Need It

Maintenance of equipment is not a new practice. It has been embraced since time immemorial, and its market share keeps growing with advancing technological developments. Companies need to get every concept of equipment repair and maintenance right.

As maintenance is moving to the computer age at a rapid age, understanding every discipline of equipment use and condition is imperative. It is crucial to keep every machine in optimal working and best condition. With proper regular maintenance of equipment, there is a lot that matters, and no company should overlook such a practice.

Why? There are incredible benefits of well-executed equipment maintenance procedures. They include:

1. Reduces Expenses

A malfunctioning machine can cause a lot of problems in a company. For instance, it can cause flawed or damaged products if it goes undetected. This will translate to products that are below desired quality or don’t meet set specifications.

The company will incur losses and spend a lot of money in the process. However, with proper maintenance and well-documented history, it’s easy for the workers to detect a problem and opt for the right solutions. Maintenance of machines will reduce budget problems and keep the company running smoothly.

2. Increased Productivity and Efficiency

When workers know that their equipment is in good condition, they will stay motivated and work confidently. No one will think of safety issues or concerns that may expose them to injuries.

3. Reduces Safety Incidents

Unexpected equipment failures cause accidents and fatalities. When a machine is not properly maintained, it can malfunction during production and cause safety incidents that, in turn, affect workers.

Such an incident will also cost the company money as it has to compensate workers for personal injuries. Compensation coverage is high, and it’s an experience any company will not want to go through due to poor maintenance of their machines.

4. Reduces Breakdowns

Equipment breakdowns are common due to poor maintenance and can cost a company a lot of money. They lead to production delays that affect the production and delivery of services.

A minor maintenance task can cause many problems that could have been avoided through routine inspections and maintenance. Undertaking unplanned maintenance or repair procedures can waste a lot of time and money that a company could use for future expenses.

5. Increase Equipment Life Span

Every company wishes to invest in equipment that will last many years of use. Even though tear and wear are common, correct maintenance practices will make the equipment last longer. With proper inspection and assessment of the condition of a machine, it’s easy for workers to detect imminent problems.

From there, they will take immediate action and ensure proper maintenance procedures are in place. Significantly, the company will be able to create an effective maintenance plan to help increase the equipment life cycle.

Implementing the Right Equipment Maintenance Plan- What to Include?

Many companies will focus on the many benefits of proper maintenance of equipment. Others will embrace different types of equipment maintenance, whether preventative, predictive, corrective, or routine type of maintenance. However, it is more rewarding to devise a maintenance plan that will work best for you.

Before you create a practical maintenance plan and utilize it, consider the equipment you invest in today. One piece of equipment that has, over the years, been putting maintenance experts and managers under constant pressure is a conveyor system. It is mechanical handling equipment you will find in many manufacturing facilities.

A conveyor system is used to move goods, raw materials, and products from one location in a company to another. They deal with heavy goods, mass-produced products, and sharp items that can lead to many maintenance issues. Common problems associated with a conveyor system include:

  • Mistracking
  • material spillage
  • Debris blockage
  • Seized rollers
  • Belt slipping
  • Tears and seam rips
  • Carryback

A conveyor system is an important machine in a material handling company, and these problems are common. But why stress when a well-executed conveyor repair plan can save you all the hassle and the money you waste? It is the first step toward overseeing regular maintenance of the conveyor system.

You might wonder how to implement a conveyor repair and maintenance plan. Get started on your conveyor maintenance program by evaluating the type of environment you use the equipment. Workers using the conveyor should pay more attention to its operations in a harsh environment than in a clean one.

A general rule of using conveyors is to have them inspected every month and more frequently in a harsh environment. In essence, you will need to include a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly conveyor checklist in your maintenance plan. The common conveyor maintenance activities or schedule will include:

  • Visually inspect debris blockage
  • Monitor unusual noise during operation
  • Check material spillage
  • Lubricate the roller bearings
  • Check damages
  • Repair damages
  • Change oil
  • Inspect electrical and mechanical components
  • Replace damaged parts
  • Inspect motors
  • Replace electrical components
  • Operate your conveyor to withstand different loads
  • Go on and test the emergency conveyor stop functionality to ensure its in order

What more to include in your conveyor repair and maintenance plan or setup? Have a look:

  1. Training maintenance personnel. You will ensure workers are up-to-date with the latest conveyor repair procedures. It’s the best way to get workers on the same maintenance page.
  2. Have a bench stock of the best conveyor replacement OEM parts to reduce downtime
  3. Create an inventory of the right conveyor maintenance tools and critical information about the facility conveyors. This should include the model, size of different conveyor components, and the manufacturer’s phone number.

Final Thoughts

Equipment maintenance is imperative as it guarantees many benefits that enhance a company’s growth. Regardless of the equipment you use, you will need to implement a maintenance and repair plan. It should be a detailed program to ensure smooth maintenance operations throughout the year.

If stuck implementing your plan, it’s wise to seek professional help. Further, you can invest in and start using the best cloud-based CMMS software to rest assured of top-notch maintenance procedures.

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