Home Law More Catholic Cruelty: Nuns Sell Homeless children to Pastors

More Catholic Cruelty: Nuns Sell Homeless children to Pastors

by Louise W. Rice

Christian nuns operating in a German children’s home are suspected of selling boys to Christian pastors, politicians, and business people who would abuse the youngsters at sex parties.

According to the reports, a 63-year-old man was given compensation by a Social Welfare Court in Darmstadt, Germany, after he revealed how nuns pulled him to be assaulted by priests and prominent men at parties since he was five years old. According to the victim, these strong priests bribed the nuns in exchange for enabling them to engage in sexual activity with young boys.

Details of what happened

Nuns worked as pimps, supplying clergy with young lads at sex parties.

During his stay at the facility in the 1960s and 1970s, the victim, who wishes to remain nameless, says he was raped over 1,000 times together with other boys.

Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesemann of Speyer also officially recognized Bishop Rudolf Motzenbäcker, who died in 1998, as the perpetrator of such horrible abuse. According to the bishop, three more victims have come forward since then.

Nuns played the role of ‘pimp,’ supplying young boys to clergy at sex parties. When the victim joined the Order of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour’s home in Speyer, Germany, in March 1963, he had been mistreated since he was five years old. The victim claimed that the nuns dragged him to Motzenbacker’s residence and sexually molested him. If he refused, the Christian pastors would beat him.

The priest was assigned to the victim as a confessor, according to the victim, who was an altar boy at Speyer Cathedral. Visitors to the church, the victim claimed, would assault him at sex parties.’ The nuns would play the role of ‘pimps,’ supplying priests, local officials, and businesses with children aged seven to fourteen.

“There was a room where the nuns gave beverages and food to the guys, while the youngsters were raped in the opposite corner,” the victim testified to the court. He went on to say that the nuns made money because the guys in attendance were so generous with their donations.

The victims testified in the court that the nuns were instrumental in the exploitation of the youngsters in the facility, even alleging that the sisters themselves sexually abused teenage males. In the year 2000, the orphanage was closed.

“I was raped several times if I ignored the church’s commands, said the victim.”

If any of these lads ignored the church’s demands, according to the victim, they would be beaten with sticks or have their skulls crushed against the wall. In one instance, he claims he was raped simultaneously by three priests.

In addition to a victim’s pension, the Catholic Church gave the victim 15,000 euros in compensation and 10,000 euros in therapy expenditures. Judge Andrea Herrmann of the Darmstadt Social Court stated, “Taking legal proceedings is connected with a major psychological burden for victims of abuse.”

After suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and despair, the victim wondered what good the money would do. “ My marriage is shattered,” he said. “My bones, liver, and kidneys are all in bad condition.”

The takeaway

Since 2010, the Catholic Church has dealt with a slew of sexual abuse allegations. Between 1946 and 2014, 1,670 clergy and 3,677 victims were abused, according to an internal inquiry conducted in 2018. Rape and other forms of abuse have become increasingly common in churches throughout the world, which is a worrisome trend.

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