Home Investment Investment Property Mortgage Rates: What to Expect in 2023?

Investment Property Mortgage Rates: What to Expect in 2023?

by Louise W. Rice

The investment property mortgage rates have been affected by a range of factors in 2022. The Federal Reserve’s actions have indirectly affected mortgage rates. However, some experts have predicted that all these are unlikely to lead to a financial crisis. Despite these challenges, there are still opportunities for home buyers to secure competitive mortgage rates, although it is recommended to start the search early.

Reports on mortgage rates for 2022

Established investors understand the urgent need for affordable financing options to realize the highest return on their investments. Considering this, the experts recommend beginning your search for an investment property mortgage early. This could help secure a competitive rate before the market goes even higher.

With limited lenders willing to enter the market in such uncertain times, borrower competition also diminishes. Homebuyers must investigate and research the current mortgage market. The economic outlook also has an impact on refinancing opportunities. Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder and other areas in Colorado offer many attractive investment opportunities for those who wish to purchase a property in the area. To make the best decisions, you can try Denver property management by Evernest. The professionals from Evernest operate locally, so they know the market in and out and can guide you comprehensively on buying/selling and maintaining a property.

Let us have a look at the confluence of several factors that have had an impact on investment property mortgage rates in 2022.

Lingering economic uncertainty

In Denver, Colorado, and nationwide, the prevalence of economic uncertainty has had a notable impact on mortgage rates. Despite a steady decrease in unemployment numbers, mortgage rates are still affected. This is due to the decreased home demand. And lender caution related to perceived risk exacerbates the situation. As the lingering economic uncertainty increases the risk to lenders, they try to gain business through more attractive terms and fees.

Aggressive monetary policy

The Federal Reserve does not set mortgage rates, but its actions indirectly affect mortgage rates. A high-interest rate increases borrowing costs. This can make it more expensive for homebuyers to borrow money for a mortgage. It may also affect their ability to qualify for a mortgage.

This has led to a decrease in the number of homes being sold. This slowdown in the housing market could potentially lead to a decrease in home prices. Therefore, homebuyers must monitor changes in interest rates and mortgage rates to understand how they may impact their ability to afford a home.

Recession fears

The rising mortgage rates, high levels of inflation, and soaring home prices have raised concerns about the possibility of a recession. This has caused uncertainty for home buyers. It is difficult to predict what will happen with the economy and the housing market. Some home buyers are waiting to see if prices will retreat in the fall.

Some experts suggest that waiting may be the best option, as the market could backslide and cause prices to drop. Others argue that trying to time the market can be risky, as rising interest rates and high loan costs could make it difficult for buyers to afford a home in the future. Potential buyers must consider their budget, income stability, and emergency funds.

Mortgage predictions from housing experts

The average 30-year mortgage rate has hit an all-time high at 6.92%, and it is mainly due to the rising interest rates, which makes it more difficult for new buyers to afford homes. Rising home prices and interest rates are decreasing demand and putting financial pressure on existing homeowners. They may even be forced to sell if they are unable to afford their mortgage payments.

According to the reports, there is some good news for the US housing market in that a decrease in home prices is not likely to lead to a financial crisis. This is because there are fewer risky loans and better-capitalized banks than before when the subprime mortgage crisis erupted in 2008. Additionally, the government now plays a significant role in the mortgage market, underwriting two-thirds of new mortgages.

Effect on the mortgage rates

As stated earlier, a rise in the Federal reserve interest rate only has an indirect effect on the mortgage rate. Therefore, a further hike in the interest rate is unlikely to affect mortgage rates, which have already reached their highest level in over a decade. In other words, the Fed’s rate hike may not have any direct impact on mortgage rates going forward, which have already risen in anticipation of the Fed’s aggressive action.


The investment property mortgage rates have been impacted by various factors. These factors have made it more difficult for new buyers to afford homes. However, the rise of mortgage rates is not guaranteed as it is dependent on various factors, such as the strength of the economy and demand for homes. And the silver lining is that the banking sector has learned its lessons the hard way from the subprime mortgage crisis.

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