If you’re planning to reduce your footprint for 2021 in an attempt to do your bit to save the planet, one technique to consider is to make your home more energy-efficient. There are many aspects you may never have contemplated before to reduce the amount of energy you’re using on a day-to-day basis, as well as slashing your energy bills in half too. If you have never put too much thought into promoting energy efficiency in the home, you may not know where to start. This guide will give you some helpful hints to point you in the right direction:
Insulate your loft
Inadequately insulated lofts are one of the main causes of energy loss within the home. As it’s unlikely you’ll be spending much time in this part of the home, it can be easily overlooked. By investing in good loft insulation, you can save hundreds of dollars every year on your energy bills, but this is also heavily dependent on your property type and the climate. Although it may be a costly investment for loft installation, research has shown that you’ll save thousands of dollars in the years ahead.
Boiler and heating systems
Did you know that heating accounts for over half of your energy bills? Therefore, if your boiler is not energy-efficient, your carbon footprint and outgoings will be extremely high? If you have had your boiler for several years, it would be wise to check the efficiency rating. If it is higher than expected, you may wish to upgrade in order to save money. An electric hot water system is one of the current energy-efficient home trends that may be worth finding out more about and the benefits it can offer.
Energy-efficient windows and doors
It is easy to overlook the efficiency of windows and doors, but these are another common way for heat to escape from the home. Ideally, they should be double or triple glazed with sealed PVC or wooden edging for optimum heat retention. Before replacing your windows, you may need to check several legal factors to ensure your home is eligible:
- Is your home located in a conservation area?
- Is your home Grade 2 listed?
- Are you bound by the article 4 contract – meaning no further development on the property?
Doors lose far more heat than windows – even when double or triple-glazed, which can make it difficult to retain heat in some rooms of the home. With this in mind, you could consider building a porch or conservatory onto external doors to reduce heat loss from the property’s front or back.
Turn down your thermostat
One of the easiest things you can do to cut down your carbon footprint is to turn down your thermostat. While it can be quite difficult to do so during the chillier months, even a decrease of a few degrees could save you a significant amount on your bills and improve your carbon footprint.