Home Home Improvement Four Home Renovations For Giving Your Home Some TLC

Four Home Renovations For Giving Your Home Some TLC

by Louise W. Rice

With 2021 well underway, the concept of out with the old and in with the new is undoubtedly here. Having spent a majority of the last year at our homes, we are confident that there will be some of you reading this who have considered making changes in your home. You have grown tired of the same old decorations and furniture and want to give a new lease of life to the place you call home.

While small things can be done in a home to give it a new lease of life, other items can be done to renovate a home and provide it with the TLC that it so deserves. If you are a budding decorator, renovator, or interior designer, who is searching for some inspiration for your home, look no further!

Detailed below is an inspirational list of home renovations that can be done to give your home some TLC. Get those Pinterest boards and pencils to hand, and read on for some design tips and tricks, suitable for families of all shapes and sizes, and those on differing budgets!

Reinstating a Fireplace

In the cold winter months, you want nothing more than to be sat by a burning fire. While some homeowners are lucky enough to already have one on their property, some people will read this living in a home without one. Many homeowners went through tearing the fireplaces out during times when they were not that popular.

Nowadays, fireplaces offer a decadence level in the home and contribute massively to a room’s atmosphere. There are numerous options on the market, available in several materials, ranging from cast-iron to the sleeker ornate marble. You can install wall fireplaces or tabletop fireplaces that would match the theme of your home. Not only will you be able to heat a room, but you will make it look aesthetic while doing so. What more could you want?!

Replacing an External Door or Windows

When wanting to renovate your home, it is essential to remember the small details which might usually be overlooked. Whether you are remodeling your home with the plans to sell up in the future or just to change how your home looks a little bit, you want the first impressions that guests get to be good ones.

Replacing an external door can brighten the front of your home, both internally and externally. By having a vibrant, fresh-colored door, your home is sure to stand out among your neighbors and look sleek and modern while at it. Furthermore, replacing the old front door for one that is more modern – with double- or tripled-glazed windows – will contribute towards the amount of heat that your home is retaining; there won’t be any small cracks for the hot air to escape, nor to let any cold air in.

As an external door, windows are also rascals when letting cold air in and hot air out! By replacing the older windows in your home and replacing them with new windows that will retain the heat in your home, you will not only be giving the face of your home a new lease of life but will also contribute towards lowering what you spend on your heating bill. Glistening windows and a vibrant front door, what more could you want for your property?!

Replacing Roof Tiles

Damaged roof tiles are sometimes hard to notice, and often the times when they are noticed, there has already been a fair amount of damage done to your home. Damaged roof tiles can happen for various reasons but can lead to roof leaks and other internal problems and are not something you want to happen when doing up your home and beyond. Giving them the once over and replacing tiles that are damaged is an excellent way of giving your home a bit of TLC this year!

Birds can be a reason why you have got cracks in your roof tiles, or at least, cracks that appear to get larger over time. When birds find a sizeable gap in the roof tiles, they will peck at it to get underneath to nest. While this is not that big of a deal for those birdwatchers out there, it can lead to various other things, like clogged guttering from debris dropping off the roof, and more holes appearing in your roof tiles.

Furthermore, adverse weather conditions can also lead to wear and tear in your roof tiles, particularly if tree branches and other debris are thrown around. With impact, the tile is sure to crack and cause damages to your home, including roof and ceiling leaks.

While it may not be at the top of your priority list, it is crucial to deal with roof leaks sooner rather than later. Suppose you spot a small ceiling leak, not to say that it is not damaging other aspects of your home; roof leaks can seriously damage your home over time, without you realizing it.

If you are in the position where you have discovered a roof or ceiling leak, you will need to address this swiftly. If you are planning to conduct renovations on your roof all by yourself, doing research to learn more should be done to avoid an unnecessary error.

Update the Kitchen Worktops

When wanting to give your kitchen a bit of TLC and updating the appearance, this is a great place to start! With time, worktops in the kitchen can become tired and damaged through general wear and tear.

Whether you choose a similar material to replace your existing worktops or opt for something out of your comfort zone, this is undoubtedly an effective way of giving the room a face-lift. Ornate marble worktops are suitable for those wanting a touch of elegance in their home, one that is becoming increasingly more popular among homeowners. In comparison, those wanting a more rustic feel in their spaces could choose a wooden worktop.

We are confident whichever option you decide upon will look fantastic in your homes. What’s more, when you have completed your projects, you should feel proud! Upgrading your home and giving it TLC will make it feel like new. Plus, a well-groomed and gorgeous home can ensure better saleability — if you can proudly say “Someone will surely buy my mobile home”, you know you’ve done your job. What are you waiting for?

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