Home Entertainment Five Tips for Creating a Great Games Room

Five Tips for Creating a Great Games Room

by Louise W. Rice

Everyone needs a place where they can switch off and chill. If your way of relaxing is to play games, why not consider creating a games room in your home? To get started, check out the following five great tips.

1. Plan the Space

The first thing you need to consider is the space you are going to use as your games room. Whether you’re converting a basement, a spare room, or a garage, you need to use the square footage wisely. While you may want to pack the space full of games and furniture, a small space can soon become overwhelmed when there are too many things. Once you know what games, furniture, and other items you want to include in your games room, you should draw up a plan. You can then decide to keep some items and remove others to best suit the space you have.

2. Choose a Variety of Games

The nature of the games you include in your games room should be dependent on two things: the space you have available and the types of games you love playing the most. You could consider having a corner with comfy beanbags and a monitor for playing video games, a green-felted table for playing card games or solitaire, a pool table, a darts board, or even a roulette table. Go online to find out how to play roulette. You can also look up ways to make your own roulette table. Alternatively, you could purchase one. Of course, you don’t have to have a roulette table, but it’s a good idea to have a standout game like roulette or pool to be the centerpiece of your games room.

3. Pick Suitable Furniture

Once you have chosen the games you want to include in your games room, you need to think about the items of furniture you want to have. You can then amend your room plan accordingly so that there’s room for both the games and the furniture. You could consider gaming chairs for playing video games, stools that people can easily pull up to watch or play table games, and even a bar. Another option is to make items multifunctional. For instance, a roulette table could double as a normal table if you create a removable tabletop.

4. Consider the Lighting

Lighting is integral to the feel and ambiance of any room. In a games room, you can use lighting in more creative ways. You’ll probably want your games room to feel snug, so it’s a good idea to choose corner lamps or wall lamps with colorful shades, although you could also go for a centerpiece like a chandelier if you’re looking to make your games room resemble a classy casino. It’s also preferable to place lighting above each table game. Players need to see what they are doing after all, and by having lights over specific games, the whole space will appear as a more professional games area.

5. Be Creative with the Décor

Of course, you can decorate your games room to suit your personal taste, but you may want to consider using colors and items that are often found in games rooms. For example, casinos often use the colors green, red, and black to match the green of card tabletops and the red and black of card suits and roulette numbers. So, if you’re mainly including casino games in your games room, consider going for a casino-like pallet. You could also decorate with things like dice-patterned wallpaper and game room neon sign. On the other hand, if your games area is primarily for playing video games, you could decorate the room with posters of classic games and figurines of classic video game characters.

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