Home Travel Best Time To Visit Italy

Best Time To Visit Italy

by Louise W. Rice

If you’re planning to visit Italy and are wondering when will be the best time to plan your trip, you’re in luck. Italy is a very diverse country with something to offer visitors at any time of the year. No matter the weather, the awesome sights of the Colosseum in Rome, the stunning cathedrals in Florence, or Pompeii are going to look amazing.

Spring in Italy:

Many tours to Italy will begin in March when the winter is beginning to finally feel like a thing of the past. The national average temperature rises to 12 degrees Celsius, and there are plenty of sunny days. However, the weather can be unpredictable with some cloudy days and even downpours, so it’s not the best time to visit Italy’s coastal areas. On the other hand, it is the perfect time of year to explore some of the country’s most famous cities before the crowds of tourists arrive and while the weather is still mild. Throughout April, the weather becomes warmer still while mountainous areas experience some April showers. May is a great month to visit some of the historical sites like Pompeii.

Summer in Italy:

From June to August, the weather in Italy becomes hotter and hotter, and the tourist crowds grow along with it. If you’re looking for a quiet and uncrowded visit, July and August are best avoided, while June is often quieter. Sicily is one of the hottest places in Italy to visit in June, and beach days are back on the card, with the sea temperature rising and around thirteen hours of sunlight per day. Explore the gems of Italy in September when the tourist crowds start to go down. For example, you can enjoy a gondola ride in Venice, then hop on a Venice to Florence train, and enjoy the authentic Florentina steak for dinner.

Autumn in Italy:

September is when things start to cool down, with fewer tourist grows and some summer warmth remaining. Temperatures drop slightly, but beaches are still a good option in September, especially if you’re looking for a quieter and more relaxing experience compared to the height of the season. With October comes the fall season’s start, and the sun begins to set before 7 PM. November is Chilly, but with Christmas just around the corner, it’s still a good month to wrap up for an Italian city break.

Winter in Italy:

While you can certainly get the most out of your trip to Italy at any time of the year, there are certain times of year that are best avoided. December and January are cold in Italy with dark nights and cloudy skies, although these months might be the best time to plan your visit if you are planning on skiing or snowboarding. December in the cities is very festive, and you’ll find plenty of holiday goodies in the major cities.

Italy is a country with something to offer all-year-round. There’s something to do every season depending on the type of trip and activities you’d like to enjoy. Spring and Autumn are generally the best times to go if you want to avoid the tourist crowds.

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