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A Detailed Guide to The Different Types of Vaping

by Louise W. Rice

Generally speaking, vaping is a common trend that involves inhaling a vaporized liquid from an e-cigarette. Much like traditional cigarettes, an e-cigarette contains nicotine. Vaping has been around for almost a decade and is growing in popularity, especially among young adults and teens. Understanding vaping and the different types of vaping is vital for a beginner.

This article highlights the different types of vaping and the devices that give them their identities.

1. Standard Vaping

Standard vaping is often referred to as mouth-to-lung (MTL) vaping or the Mouth Hit. The mouth hit is exactly what it sounds like. This vaping type involves a user inhaling the vapor directly from the vaping pods into their mouth before allowing the vapor to pass directly to the lungs.

Standard vaping is usually the first way people start vaping or smoking. If you have ever smoked, MTL vaping is the way you inhaled. Beginner vapers often inhale this way since it mimics how an ordinary smoker inhales and is the only vaping technique they know.

A standard vaping device is often a lower resistance atomizer tank that uses a coil higher than 1 ohm. It is similar to smoking a cigarette concentrate on flavor. However, it is not intended to produce huge clouds.

The Mouth Hit often starts by filling the mouth with vapor that is inhaled into the lungs. On a traditional cigarette, the filter often creates a tighter draw. The user then requires more pressure to draw the pressure into the mouth. The airflow is usually restricted, and less vapor is produced.

Surprisingly, standard vaping is usually more flavorful since the mouth is directly involved in conveying the hit.

Standard vaping is ideal for beginners with superb performance.

2. Sub- Ohm Vaping

This is a slightly more complicated variation of standard mouth-to-lung vaping. It is also also known as sub-ohming, direct-to-lung (DTL) vaping, or lung hit.

The advent of the sub-ohming rig changed the way vapers inhale. Sub-ohm vaping uses an entirely different vaping technique than MTL vaping.

Sub-ohm vaping refers to vaping with an electronic cigarette featuring a coil with a resistance level below 1 ohm. Regular vaporizers feature a resistance level in the 1.5-3 ohm range, meaning the resistance is high. However, sub-ohm devices have a reduced resistance.

The reduced resistance causes the coil to heat up quickly. It also causes the coil to vaporize more sub-ohm liquids, generate more robust flavor, and produce thicker clouds due to the increased current passing via the coil.

Sub-ohm vaping requires the use of safe premium materials. It is vital to understand the different coils available, their wattage and a functional combination.

Factors Affecting Sub-Ohm Vaping

·    Coil Resistance. It is a deciding factor in sub-ohming going by the discourse. Increased surface area coils conduct more current due to the reduced resistance. Since resistance and wattage output are inversely proportional, thinner coils often have the opposite effects.

·    Wattage. It refers to the actual power generated by an electrical unit. In this context, a higher wattage translates to more heat produced, more burning flavor-ohm liquids, increased flavor, and more vapor.

·    Battery Voltage. It refers to the power generated by the vaping device’s batteries. An increased voltage translates to a higher wattage, except in the scenario of increased resistance.

Sub Ohm Liquids

When sub-ohming, picking the e-liquid is just as crucial as the vaping device. You have to take into account the PG/VG ratio since it determines your vaping experience. PG (propylene glycol) is a thinner liquid producing a more robust throat hit and conveys nicotine and flavor well.

On the other hand, VG (vegetable glycerine) has a milder throat hit and generates thicker clouds.

Therefore, the ideal PG/VG ratio for sub-ohm liquids should be a ratio with a higher VG blend.

The ideal sub-ohm e-juice must be low in nicotine content since sub-ohm vaping may increase the nicotine intake level due to the intensity of the vaporization process.

Proper Sub-Ohming Vaping Devices

Unfortunately, not all vape devices can be utilized for sub-ohm vaping due to the requirements for the special kind of vaping that sub-ohming is. Some of the devices that can emit sub-ohming include;

  • Sub-Ohm Tanks. These are made of glass and stainless steel. Their coils are low resistance and are commercially produced as well as disposable. They are often ideal for vapers who cannot build their coils but crave a sub-ohming experience.
  • Rebuildable Tank Atomizers. The RTAs feature rebuildable decks. You have to design your own coil, which must be within the tank. Sub-ohm liquids are stored in this tank, eliminating the need for gripping.
  • Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers. The RDAs consist of a customized coil and cotton. The RDAs have no tank since the sub-ohm liquid is dripped onto the wick until saturation.

3. Herb Vaping

Dry herb vaping is a less popular vaping type that differs from the others based on the substance being inhaled. Unlike MTL and sub-ohming, which use liquids, dry herb vaping is the process of heating cannabis flowers to vaporize their trichomes instead of igniting them via a flame.

By vaping weed instead of burning it, you get more good stuff (terpenes, CBD, THC) and less of the bad stuff (carbon monoxide, benzene). Delta 8 cartridges wholesale offers various CBD products for vaping, do check them online.

The catch is you will still inhale the stuff into your lungs but with a cleaner vapor containing fewer contaminants than smoke from a joint.

The simplest explanation of how dry herb vaping works is terpenes and cannabinoids vaporize at specific temperatures. The vaporizers allow you to heat the plant material. Once heated, the cannabinoids and terpenes in the trichomes become an inhaled vapor.


Sub-ohm vaping and Mouth-to-Lungs (Standard) vaping are the two most common types of vaping. Unlike sub-ohming, standard vaping is precisely how one would smoke a cigarette. On the other hand, sub-ohm vaping delivers vapor straight to the lungs, similar to how one ordinarily breathes air. Experienced vapers typically prefer sub-ohming over MTL vaping partly because it is more fun and produces a bigger cloud.

A lot goes into consideration when looking to become a pro vaper or just seeking a good time. You should choose what you are comfortable with, including the e-juices, which come in varieties and different compositions. Overall, vaping is an exciting experience, which, just like anything else, has its limits, provided you know the different types of vaping.

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