Home Home Improvement Tips to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

Tips to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

by Louise W. Rice

As winter approaches, many of us begin cranking up the heaters to keep our homes warm and comfortable. But this can be expensive and bad for the environment. Did you know that there are several easy ways to make your home more energy-efficient without breaking the bank?

By following a few simple tips, you can lower your energy consumption (and your utility bills) without making any significant changes or investments. Not just for winter, but all around the year, even during summer when you are turning up the AC. And what’s not to love about that?

Here are a few tips for making your home more energy-efficient.

1. Replace Heaters with Radiators

Electric heaters are a common sight in many homes, providing a convenient way to stay warm during the colder months. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most inefficient ways to heat your home. Not only do they require a lot of energy to operate, but they also lose a significant amount of heat through the process of convection.

Electric radiators, on the other hand, are much more energy-efficient. Instead of using convection to generate heat, they use radiation. This means less heat is lost, and more warmth is directed into the room.

So go ahead and check out radiators from Best Electric Radiators – you will be glad you did! With a wide range of styles and options, you can find something that fits your home perfectly. And with energy-efficient models, you won’t have to worry about wasting money on your heating bill. Some other popular radiator brands include Dimplex and Stelrad.

Make sure you get the right type of electric radiator for your home. Keep in mind that some are designed to be wall mounted while others can be freestanding. Also, consider the size of your room and how much power is needed to heat it efficiently.

2. Get a Smart Thermostat

A great way to save energy and money is to upgrade to a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely via your smartphone or tablet, which means you can turn off the AC when you’re not home and turn it back on just before you arrive. This can save you significant money on your energy bill since you’re not cooling an empty house all day long.

3. Invest in Energy Saving Appliances

If you’re looking to make your home more energy-efficient, one of the best places to start is with your appliances. Energy Star-certified appliances are designed to use less energy than their non-certified counterparts, and they can save you money on your energy bills.

It is estimated that they can save you between 20%- 30% on energy bills compared to non-certified models. They also come with additional features that can further improve energy efficiency, such as thermostats that automatically adjust to the most efficient settings.

In addition, many power companies offer rebates and discounts for purchasing Energy Star-certified appliances. So it’s definitely worth looking into if you’re looking to save money in the long run.

4. Seal Up Leaks

A home that isn’t energy-efficient is like a money pit. You Pour money into your utility bills month after month, and you may not even realize that the root of the problem is a few tiny leaks. Just as a boat can spring a leak and start to take on water, your home can also have tiny holes and cracks that let heat escape.

This means that your furnace has to work overtime to keep your home warm during winter, therefore, driving up your energy bills. In the summer, cooled air escapes through those same tiny cracks, making your air conditioner work overtime as well.

The solution is simple: seal up those leaks and make your home more energy-efficient. A little caulk or weather stripping can go a long way toward saving you money on your utility bills.

5. Turn Off Electronics When You Leave the House

Leaving your electronics plugged in—even when they’re turned off—can still waste a surprising amount of energy. To prevent this from happening, ensure all electronics are unplugged when you leave home for an extended period (for example, when you go on vacation).

Bonus tip: Invest in a power strip so that you can easily switch off multiple devices with the flip of a switch!

6. Let There Be Light… Naturally

During the daytime, take advantage of natural sunlight by opening your curtains or blinds instead of turning on lights. Not only will this help reduce your energy consumption, but it will also help prevent eye strain since natural light is easier on the eyes than artificial light.

7. Educate Your Family and Roommates

It’s one thing to make your home more energy-efficient, but it’s even better if everyone in your household is on board with saving energy. Sit down with your family or roommates, explain why it’s important to conserve energy, and brainstorm some simple ways everyone can pitch in—for example, turning off lights when leaving a room and unplugging electronics when they’re not in use.

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