Home Education Top 5 Tips For Remote Learning

Top 5 Tips For Remote Learning

by Louise W. Rice

This might be a bit of a shock for many, but remote learning is not new. However, it’s a mode of learning that is fast becoming a standard because of the recent COVID pandemic in which social distancing is implemented to help “flatten the curve.” However, remote learning has also been used for other reasons, such as catching up to lectures or a learning solution for people who are experiencing a geographic-related problem.

Whatever the case may be, keep in mind that there are few key differences between the traditional form of school learning and remote learning. Hence, if you want to maximize the educational process, there are a few crucial adjustments to make.

So what are these adjustments? Well, that’s what is going to be covered in this article.

Create A Designated Study Space

The beauty of remote learning is that you can learn in the comforts of your home. However, this may also cause problems because most would sit on a sofa or couch. Oftentimes, this will cause issues because of less focus and promotes bad posture. It’s best to take remote learning seriously, and this means that having a specific place for it in the home is highly advisable.

When finding the right spot, there are few things to consider. First, the location must be free from distractions. A good-sized table is highly recommended, so there’s room for other learning tools like pen and paper. You also want the area to be well-lit, so it promotes alertness.

Have A Routine

Establishing a routine during the “school days” is a must if you want to optimize learning. Keep in mind that the brain is an ever optimizing machine. Hence, the more it recognizes the routine, the better it is at performing, which in this case – learning.

Establishing a routine is a lot easier if the online classes are held live at specific times. However, if the classes are pre-recorded, and it’s up to the students to learn them at their own time, you must establish your own routine.

When establishing the routine, it’s also important to have short breaks in between the classes. Those short breaks should be spent away from the computer and doing other relaxing activities such as grabbing a snack, walking, or stretching. This will significantly help in recharging and giving the eyes a rest from the screen.

Since no teachers may check the progress, you should do it independently or let your parents do it. To-do lists and assignments should be completed as soon as possible. It may be tempting to delay such tasks, but it will only lead to falling behind. And, you don’t want to fall behind because it’s difficult for the teacher to know your predicament. And, that will also lead to difficulty in helping you get back on track.

Use Special Tools

The beauty of bringing learning in the online realm is that you are also able to make use of learning tools. These tools are meant to help you learn faster, better and help make your online education easier.

One perfect example is the tool Audext. Audext is an app that automatically transcribes mp3 to text. This will tremendously help you in saving time. Audtext is also powered by cutting-edge machine learning technology, which allows it to be very accurate and reliable for the user.

Keep in mind that Audext is just one of the many apps that you can use to help with your online learning. Some other apps you may want to explore may include:

  • Remind
  • TalkingPoints
  • Screencast-O-Matic
  • Edpuzzle
  • Seesaw
  • Canva
  • FlipGrid

Get Out Of Your Pajamas And Have Breakfast

Another mindset that will help you tremendously is treating your online learning as if you are going to school. This means that you should prepare as if you are going to a traditional school. You should get out of your pajamas and have a hearty breakfast before taking your first class of the day.

By doing so, you are telling your mind and body to be ready for the tasks ahead.

Have Other Activities Planned

Another important aspect of learning is allowing the brain to recharge, making it more receptive to learning later. Thus, you should plan your day to have other activities. A few recharging activities you could do are resting, watching a film, socializing, or having a warm bath.

Remote learning is different from your traditional physical school. Hence, you may need to make some slight adjustments to maximize its effectiveness. Thankfully, you can start with the tips mentioned above.

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