Home Law What Should You Do After an Uber Accident?

What Should You Do After an Uber Accident?

by Louise W. Rice

Car accidents are bound to happen at some point, especially in cities with high traffic. In 2019, there were 6,756,000 car accidents reported to the police, with 2 million of them resulting in injury. Many of those accidents are caused by a lack of driving experience, alcohol-induced impairment, and many more. To prevent this from happening, many people opt for ridesharing instead, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.

But what if that thing you are trying to avoid happens while you are in an Uber? What should you do if you are a passenger in an Uber and your driver crashes into someone else? If your Uber ride goes off track, here are the steps you’ll want to follow:

1. Address Safety or Medical Needs

Safety should always come first, which is why you should make sure everyone involved in the accident is accounted for. If you are physically capable of doing so, check yourself for potential injuries, and then check the others as well. Check the car or traffic for imminent danger and try to figure out a way to minimize it.

If anyone is injured, make sure to call an ambulance. Even if you were the one that holds fault for the accident somehow (e.g. you pushed or distracted the driver), every state has the Good Samaritan Law that can protect you. If you are in New York, for example, all you will need is a good New York City rideshare accident lawyer to prove that you were a good Samaritan to the very end.

2. Report the Accident

When you are the one driving your car, it’s clear that you are involved and you’ll have to do a follow-up. After all, unless you report it, you may not be able to get the compensation that you are entitled to. However, even if you were not the one driving, you should still make your own reports.

The first report should be to the police, where you provide every detail of the accident. Written descriptions along with pictures should be added to the report. After you give the police a thorough report, it is time you report the accident to Uber. They may not be physically there, but they are still involved. Since Uber has an insurance program, you may be able to obtain compensation for your injuries.

3. Document the Details of the Accident

As a passenger, you’ll likely not be held liable for the accident. While crashes may be caused by the driver’s interaction with the passenger, you’ll rarely be found at fault for it. With that said, it doesn’t hurt to remain involved and document the incident.

Depending on the time of the accident and the factors involved, you may receive different coverage. For instance, if the injury occurs before the ride request, you may get smaller coverage than you would after pickup. This is why you need to record every detail possible, including time, places, and details. You may strengthen those claims by taking screenshots and pictures.

4. Get Yourself Checked

After the accident, your adrenaline level will likely be heightened, causing you to feel ok even if you technically aren’t. For example, during the initial checkup, you may not feel any pain or injuries. However, you may feel the effects of whiplash or other potential injuries several hours later.

This is why you need to get checked by a professional. You may use your medical reports to get even better compensation. Even if you do not get checked out at the site, make sure that you go to the doctor’s office. It won’t be of any good to you if you notice the injuries after you made your insurance claim.

5. Consider Hiring an Attorney

Uber has a very good insurance policy, provided you provide all the details needed. However, if you hire an attorney as well, you may be able to get better compensation for it. This is because they may catch details of the accident that you may have otherwise missed.

For example, after the accident, you may miss details such as missed work time, damaged goods, or even resulting conditions (i.e. PTDS from the accident). An attorney may be able to point out those things so that you receive the compensation that you actually deserve.

The Bottom Line

If your Uber ride does not go as planned, you are entitled to receive compensation from them. After that, you entrusted them with your safe and efficient transportation. If they fail to deliver, following the steps above can help cover any losses you potentially suffered.

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