Home Health What Are The Early Stages of Prostate Cancer?

What Are The Early Stages of Prostate Cancer?

by Louise W. Rice

Prostate cancer is a chronic illness that affects the prostate gland in men. According to statistics, one in every five men will be diagnosed with this illness. Besides that, this type of cancer is the most common in men after skin cancer.

If you suspect that you have this type of cancer, what are some of the symptoms you should consider, especially in the early stages? We will dive deep into understanding prostate cancer early stage.

Defining prostate cancer

The prostate gland is an organ found in the reproductive system in men. It usually lies below the bladder and the top portion of the urethra. The work of this gland is to provide the fluid that nourishes the sperm. It squeezes this fluid into the urethra during ejaculation. It comes out as semen together with the sperm.

There are different types of conditions associated with the prostate. When you have cancer, the DNA produces mutations, which disable its ability to control cell division and growth. The immune system will kill the mutated cells; however, some escape and grow out of control. Thus, it forms a growth known as the prostate tumor.

What are the early signs of prostate cancer?

One of the most common signs that you will notice is that you will have urinary symptoms since the gland is between the urethra and the bladder. The tumor will constrict the urethra, which inhibits urine flow.

Additional signs:

  • The patient will experience when urinating
  • You will also have trouble starting or stopping the process of urinating
  • You will have urges to urinate at night
  • Decrease in the urine stream
  • Blood in urine
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Blood in semen
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction

The best treatment for these early signs

Once you notice these signs, you should book an appointment with a doctor. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer, usually stages I and II, means you can choose between the available treatment options. It also means that the tumor is yet to spread to other tissues.

The different treatment options include active surveillance, surgery, and radiation therapy. Before choosing the best treatment for you, the doctor will assess your condition. They will sit down with you to discuss the benefits of each treatment and the side effects that come with each.

If you decide on active surveillance, your doctor will have to assess the situation every three to six to find out whether the cancer is growing or not. The treatment can be a bit risky; therefore, it’s a recommended option for patients whose cells are not growing quickly.


Note that your chances of getting prostate cancer increase as you age. Hence, it’s probably right if you carry out repeated screenings. As much as there are risk factors you can’t control, it’s good to know that you can prevent this type of cancer. Keeping your stress levels low, eating well, and taking appropriate medication can help the disease from occurring.

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