Home Health Omega-3 Fish Oil vs. Autism: Best Consumption Guidelines

Omega-3 Fish Oil vs. Autism: Best Consumption Guidelines

by Louise W. Rice

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that occurs mainly in children. This inflammable disease can be dangerous if not treated properly at an early age. Children with autism show signs at the age of 2.

There is a good reason to use fish oil for autism. It is also a common practice to help reduce the symptoms of autism.

What are the symptoms of autism?

  • Unusual mood or emotional reactions.
  • Delayed movement and language skills.
  • Cognitive issues.
  • Seizure disorder.
  • Inattentive behavior
  • Gastrointestinal issues.
  • Unusual eating and sleeping habits.

These are the common symptoms that you may find in an autistic child. However, finding the symptoms and doing nothing will lead them to a dangerous future with organ damage.

We live in a world where it is possible to find out remedies in an advanced way. Here comes Omega-3 fish oil to treat autism. Whether it’s anxiety, ADHD, or other brain-related ailments, your brain functions are mostly related to Omega-3.

Here we will provide you insights on Omega-3 fish oil for autism and its usage so that you do not have any issues while using it.

What Are The Sources Of Omega-3?

Fish oil is simply the fat taken from the sea fish. Well, you cannot consider all types of fish to extract fish oil. So, sea fish like tuna, cod, mackerel, and herring have liver oil that contains omega-3 fats.

Omega-3 is the most important component in fish oil; in fact, it covers 30 percent of it.

Omega-3 contains three crucial components, and those are ALA, EPA, and DHA. However, through our daily diet, we mainly consume ALA, but it needs two other components to break into the body properly.

Most plant-based sources contain ALA, but those do not cover enough EPA or DHA. However, fish oil contains mainly DHA and EPA.

So, considering Omega-3 fish oil can be a good solution. Well, the prominent sources are:

  • Fatty fish.
  • Walnuts.
  • Flax seeds.
  • Chia seeds.

How Does Fish Oil Help With Autism?

We know what Omega-3 is and what it contains so far, as also the sources. But the question is how Omega-3 fish oil can relate to autism.

Well, research has suggested that children with autism have lower levels of omega-3 than other people. It is also evident that mothers with lower levels of DHA may deliver babies with poor neural and visual development.

Apart from that, our brain contains 60% fat. So, it’s simple to understand that we need fats to function in our brains properly.

Brain-related functions like cognitive behavior and mood can be improved through the usage of omega-3 fish oil. We all know that autistic children face severe brain development issues.

So, it’s time to deal with the issues of autistic children by providing them with enough engaging supplements like Omega-3 fish oil.

Additionally, children with autism have problems with strong smells and tastes. So, if you think that you can complete their rich diet through whole foods, then you are wrong.

They will not allow you to feed them all nutrition sources. They also might not like to eat sea-fish because those have strong smells.

So, the only solution is to go for Omega-3 fish oil which does not contain any strong aspects. It will be easy for them to consume.

The Dosage Of Omega-3 Depends On The Age

Now that you know the particular benefits and instances of Omega-3 fish oil, it’s time to find out how you can provide your child with this particular supplement. Taking it regularly can be the best option, but when you do not know the particular doses, you might find side effects.

So, it’s better to consult with a dietician or physician to take guidance on the doses. Or we can help you get a good guide through proper dietary references.

Here we are going to provide you with a dietary intake reference that is applicable to all children.

  • Children aged between 1-3: 700 mg.
  • Children aged between 4-8: 900 mg.
  • Children aged between 9-13: 1200 mg.
  • Children aged between 14-18: 1600 mg.

Well, for females, try to reduce the doses slightly. However, for autistic children, it’s better to take a double dose than recommended above.

However, remember that fish oil may work as a blood thinner. So, too high a dose can be dangerous.

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