Home Relationship Long-Term Relationships Are Essential for Success in Real Estate

Long-Term Relationships Are Essential for Success in Real Estate

by Louise W. Rice

Today’s real estate client relies upon the services of a savvy and highly responsive real estate professional. Identifying that ideal property is a major commitment and having an established relationship with a real estate professional goes a long way when embarking on the purchase of a home or property.

One would think that the relationship ends after the closing but in fact, your clients are a valuable referral source for your real estate business, and maintaining a relationship with them after the sale should be a part of your overall marketing strategy.

Clients remember their first or subsequent real estate sales experience and when positive, they become a major promoter of your name and brand!

Successful sales as a real estate professional can result from establishing or re-establishing relationships with past clients. In today’s market, there are so many ways to reconnect with those that realized your personalized service and who benefitted from your sales expertise.

In this article, we will discuss strategies for reaching out to your former clients to leverage those relationships into current sales opportunities!

Be a Source of Information

Every homeowner will encounter a problem or issue with their home at some point. Perhaps they need landscaping work, a leaky faucet, or have a pest control problem that needs to be handled.

As a real estate agent, you can be a source of information and help connect them with the trusted vendors you have worked with over the years. Not only does this keep you in contact with past clients, but it also helps your vendors earn referral business, which benefits everyone.

Direct Mail

Direct Mail campaigns are an easy way to keep clients and prospects up-to-date on current listings, open houses, and any area details that would be timely and provide an invitation to the recipient to follow-up by phone, email, or during one of your events.

It is easy to manage your real estate marketing postcards campaigns through Wise Pelican, the go-to real estate marketing postcards source for all your marketing needs. You can view the templates available at wisepelican.com. Wise Pelican will assure the perfect timing for follow-ups with those contacts through additional outreach methods.

Employing a contacts manager or marketing campaign software program can assist you in your efforts to connect and remind your current or past clients of your real estate marketing activities and featured properties for sales as well as campaign tracking!

Social Media

Connecting with your past or current clients through your social media channels is easy! By simply featuring your news or real estate marketing postcards campaigns and/or links to each on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you will be saving yourself additional marketing steps but remain consistent in your overall messaging as a real estate professional.

It is a skill, but not a difficult one, to craft a marketing campaign that allows the presentation of fresh content on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Familiarize yourself with the community and its characteristics when promoting or listing a new property.

If you recall selling a property to a former client from within this same community, the new listing will provide you an opportunity to reconnect to that former client to alert them that you are the listing agent for a property near the one they purchased from you.

This will be an open invitation for them to share your campaign or social media post with their friends or relatives who may want to become a permanent resident of the area. Increasing your ‘likes’ or ‘retweets’ is beneficial as you build your social media presence as a professional.

Invite Them to Client Events

Client events are a great opportunity to introduce past clients to current prospects, and your past clients can share their awesome experience with you as their agent.

Plus, if your clients own their own business or sell something that clients may need, they can also benefit by gaining leads for themselves. Networking is important in every industry, but word-of-mouth is what separates great agents from mediocre ones.


Never underestimate the value of long-term relationships in real estate. With a few simple tools and tips, you can keep them engaged with you, and as they tell their friends and family about you, the referrals will add up in a hurry!

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