Home Education How to Write a Strong Title for an Essay

How to Write a Strong Title for an Essay

by Louise W. Rice

Creating a captivating title is a journalist’s secret weapon to attracting readers. Choosing a strong title for your next essay shouldn’t be any different. Spiking up the interest of the reader through the title will make them want to read on and satisfy their curiosity.

The text itself may be fantastic, but if you lack those perfectly crafted words in the title, no one would even think of spending a minute on it. Strong essay titles play a big role in creating an overall positive reaction.

But, how does one come up with such an impactful title? You probably think you are not cut out to be creative. Let us help you capture the reader’s attention by following these few simple steps.

The Title Role

Before we focus on how to create a strong essay title, let’s see what titles are all about. Many may say, “For goodness sake, it’s just a title”, but those words usually come from lazy writers who never tried to create an original one.

First, let’s look at the features that a title should have provided by the online research paper writer.

  • Needless to say, a title should be tempting.
  • No one likes complicated titles. Make sure the title is easy to read, without using strange vocabulary and complicated sentence structures. Go light!
  • Titles should be believable and predict the content. Don’t get carried away by creating a strong title that has nothing to do with the essay content.
  • Don’t create long essay titles that may be confusing. Keep it short!
  • Never mislead your reader with inaccurate essay titles. It will get you on the professor’s wrong side, so create accurate titles.
  • Avoid passive and keep titles in the active voice.

So long as you cover all of the above – use this as a handy checklist at that – your title will reflect the core of your essay and do it justice.

Tips on Creating Strong Essay Titles

There are two possible reactions to an essay title – “This looks interesting…” or “Yet another boring essay…”.

Follow these steps to get that wow reaction.

  1. Write the essay before creating the title. The title should reflect the content of the essay and not vice versa. Students make the mistake of losing precious time on creating the title first. Once you have completed your essay and you review the work, the title will simply pop out of the content.
  2. The title should reflect the style of your essay. Depending on the tone of your essay, you can make your title informative, funny, serious, or persuasive. Don’t try to be witty if you are writing about the treatment of prisoners – a cultured title always does the trick.
  3. Use topic-relevant and focus keywords to describe the content of your essay. You can select the keywords once the essay is written and you can play around to create a unique title.
  4. Keep it short. The point of the title is to give the essay a name, not to tell a story. Long titles contain useless details and information that will bore the reader. Take your essay topic and simply compress it into five carefully selected words.
  5. No abbreviations, fancy jargon, and complex sentences in your title. Simplicity is always a winner.
  6. Try using cliches and popular phrases when generating your title. Sometimes the best titles are right where you can see them.
  7. Writing an essay on a book or a movie? You will never go wrong by using a quote from that book or movie as your title. It goes without saying that the quote has to reflect the topic of the essay and not just be picked randomly.

A pro tip, also ensure you stray away from negativity and getting too personal.

Be Bold Yet Humble: The Verdict

Creating essay titles may look like a simple job, but in fact, it is probably the most difficult aspect of writing an essay.
To sum up what we’ve laid out so far – always write your essay before you start working on the title. Use the title to describe your topic essay in a fun and attractive manner.

Coming up with a single title to cover all essence of your essay is a process that requires dedication and creativity. Put yourself in the role of a baker creating the perfect cake. You mixed the right ingredients, baked and decorated the cake, now comes time for putting the finishing touches and the cherry on top. Those can make all the difference.

Or, take a hint from the professionals and get help from a respective essay help company with extensive experience in producing eye-catching original content and titles.

Ignite the artist inside you. Be bold in creating your essay title yet don’t go overboard.

You got this!

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