Home Education How To Write A Personal Statement For College: A Guide

How To Write A Personal Statement For College: A Guide

by Louise W. Rice

Personal statements are often the main fear of every college applicant. Talking about others is much easier than looking at oneself from a new perspective. We don’t want to brag. We don’t know if anything about us would make others interested. We don’t know if what we write is absurd or not. Sounds familiar? It’s easy to understand why there’s so much pressure about writing a personal statement. It should be original and interesting, the two things that are very subjective. 

Fear not: personal statements can be quite easy and engaging to write once you get the main idea. This small guide will help you understand what makes a good quality personal statement. Make sure to read it carefully; hopefully, it will become clearer what you can do. There are very few limits, and we’ll show how to deal with them smoothly. 

So, what exactly is a personal statement?

A personal statement is a paper a student writes for two main purposes: to show that they deserve to be accepted at the university or to explain why they need a scholarship. Personal statements are usually sent together with other documents and can be either free-topic or with a theme chosen by a university. 

What are the main expectations from a personal statement? 

1. Brief

You shouldn’t write a few sentences, but a good writer tries to explain many things with a good general idea. Don’t avoid details, but make sure not to describe every scratch on your textbook you carried with you a few years ago in a thunderstorm. It’ll make the people reading your work tired till the end, and you have to make sure that their attention is all yours. 

2. Creative

People reading personal statements won’t remember you if you don’t stand out, at least in some ways. Don’t make up things like being a traveling athlete and graduating from school at the age of nine, but think about something in between. Each student is different, but not everyone can express that. 

3. Personalized

Many students make the mistake of being too formal and not authentic, aiming at the academic intellectuals. It’s good to know the official language, but it is important to show that you’re a real person. The story you intend to tell must reflect the personality and uniqueness that you will offer the university. 

4. Explanatory

This type of paper should be very accurate and open about your strengths and past experiences that can be important to understand your learning personality. The personal statement must contain the answer to why you should be accepted.

How to prepare for my writing?

1. Get the instructions

Some universities provide you with a theme or even give a very specific topic, like an assignment at school. For example, it is common to ask about the obstacles you’ve overcome or times when you were proud of yourself. Look for any clarifications online before making your final choice. Research the website of the college you want to apply to. Write down all requirements and place them somewhere where you can see them. This way, you won’t forget about anything.

2. Brainstorm the ideas

It is hard to think about yourself as an outstanding and interesting person, but trust me, you are. Write all things for which you were praised. Maybe you’re a great skater or have a unique voice. Maybe you were chosen as the class president or were given a highly positive review for excellent service at your job.

Also, think about the situations when you were the most challenged in your own beliefs. Perhaps you’ve realized that your culture’s custom does not suit you or that the way you always thought about the vulnerable people is wrong. Or did you have a real adventure that showed how you could provide help to those in need and think objectively about problem-solving? It’s your life, so make sure to map all that comes to your mind without judging. 

3. Narrow your set of topics

Take some time away from your list and then look at all the ideas from a new angle. What are the topics about which other people might have already written? You can ask your friends about their essays. People actually can provide great free pieces of advice that help them. After that, cross out everything that is not strong enough. 

4. Find a company

If you’re still unsure about how you sound for anyone else, just join a writing group or create one. It’s probable that many other people are also stressed about writing a personal statement from scratch. 

5. Ask for assistance from others

Maybe you know someone who’s written an essay that worked really well, or one of your friends writes like an expert. If you can’t find any such people but seem to need a more personal professional approach, consider making an order at the custom paper writing service, such as CustomWritings.com. Buy a cheap professional work that will help to improve your writing for a personal statement or other essays. The writers provide services to people from the USA, UK, and other English speaking countries. Not sure whether to become a customer? Read the reviews about the companies you are interested in and make a final decision. 

What subtopics can I include?

  • Write the reasons. List why you are interested in this particular college and what makes it unique to you. Write how you came to a conclusion about becoming a professional in this specific field. Maybe someone or something pushed you to do it and opened your eyes to a problem or your talent?
  • Expose something from your past. If it is relatable, add how your past shaped you. Mention the things that attracted you to this specific college. Every college is different, and it’s essential to show that you’ve read the information about it. Write about the resources they have.
  • Show what you can give a university. If you’re creative, write it without any hesitation. If you’re good with people, add this as well. If you’re organized and perform well under pressure, don’t forget to mention it. 

Make a first move

That’s probably it. The tips we’ve provided will help you make your mind around the top personal statement. Include your personality in the text, and it will definitely stand out. Just remember that you deserve to be accepted to the college of your dreams. So, let it be. 

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