Home Health Create The Perfect Smile: Common Dental Problems In Adults And How To Treat Them

Create The Perfect Smile: Common Dental Problems In Adults And How To Treat Them

by Louise W. Rice

Many adults across the globe share a common shared interest because visiting the dentist is one of the least favorite things. This is a combination of various things, whilst the discomfort and potential pain are one of the primary factors, other things such as the cost of dental work and the belief that a dentist appointment is not important also sway a person’s opinion.

According to Children’s dentist Dr. Soha Sharif,  visiting the dentist is important, and attending regular check-ups are some of the best ways to create and maintain the perfect smile. In addition to this, understanding what problems can occur from poor dental hygiene and preventing it from happening is equally important.

5 Common Dental Problems

Most dental problems occur due to inadequate dental hygiene, like not brushing enough, not using floss, or mouthwash. Others are down to a person’s diet and what types of food they tend to eat. Regardless of the vision, neglecting your teeth can lead to various dental issues which include:

1, Bad Breath

Whilst this might seem more of an oral issue than a dental one, having bad breath can indicate that you might be experiencing other dental problems. Research conducted around bad breath has revealed that those experiencing the issue suffered some form of dental problem. The dental problem they had was causing the person to have bad breath.

2, Gum Disease

This is one of, if not the most common dental problems adults develop. Developing in stages, the initial stage of gum disease is gingivitis. This is one of the earlier stages of gum disease and is easily reversible. However, if not treated properly, it can potentially lead to further problems that are more serious in the future, including periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is more common in those over the age of 30, and the risks of developing it increase for those aged 65 and over. The chance for periodontal disease to grow worse for those older people with Alzheimer’s disease is relatively high. If spotted, it can be treated. However, the treatment to prevent the disease was developing further needs to be done as soon as the issue and symptoms have been identified. If not, it could lead to the next stage of gum disease, advanced periodontal disease. This stage of gum disease can cause teeth to fall out.

3, Cavities And Tooth Decay

Aside from gum disease, cavities and tooth is also another most common dental problem faced by adults. It is reported that almost all adults have cavities to some degree. In permanently damaged areas, cavities tend to be found either in or around the tooth’s surface, resulting in small holes that need to be filled. It is simply caused by plaque contained in high sugar foods that settle on the surface of teeth. After it has settled, the bacteria inside the mouth will feed on the sugar, leading to the enamel that coats the teeth slowly decay. When at the dentist, they will fill the gap caused by the decay of the enamel with a filling.

4, Tooth Loss

Almost all untreated dental problems will inevitably lead to tooth loss. Untreated advanced periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss, and a cavity that has decayed so much cannot be filled with a standard filling. If a tooth has decayed so much, dentists will have to remove it because it is unsavable. This also happens for those who have a root infection.

5, Stained Teeth

Food, medication, tobacco, and even trauma are just a few of the things that can cause discoloration on teeth. With the right approach, it can be a relatively straightforward procedure to remove the stains on teeth. Whitening toothpaste and rinses are one of the simplest choices. However, these types of products only remove surface stains. For a more thorough clean, dentists can use a whitening agent and a special light to tackle the stains. Also, there is the additional option of bleaching them at home with a plastic tray and gel purchased either at a dental practice or in-store.

How To Prevent And Treat Dental Problems

After reading what issues can occur without properly taking care of your teeth, it is important to know how to prevent these problems from developing. Whilst the most obvious way is to properly look after your teeth, there are other ways to help maintain a healthy smile.

Spot The Signs

Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, bad breath, loose teeth, and red, swollen, or tender gums are signs of gum disease. Bad breath is also a common sign that you might be experiencing a dental issue. Spotting these signs sooner rather than later will have an impact on the type of treatment the dentist has to provide to solve the issue.

Watch Your Intake

Certain foods can be contributors to the build-up of plaque on your teeth. Limit your intake on foods such as carbonated drinks (which are high in sugar and what bacteria feeds off of), sweet foods (soft or hard sweets, caramel products, cookies, chocolate).

Regular Trips To The Dentist

Ultimately, the most effective way to prevent any dental health issues is by making an appointment to visit the dentist. The service and expertise of a dentist can provide you with information on how to treat any oral health problems you are experiencing.

If you are currently not registered at a practice, a simple search of the area you are in, such as ‘Dentists in Brisbane,’ can reveal many practices available in the area. For example, one option that would come up is Pure Dentistry in Mt Gravatt, a devoted practice in Brisbane that aims to provide an excellent service for clients.

When researching dentist practices, the best ones take their time with patients to ensure they feel comfortable during their appointment. This is because they understand how delivering a positive experience will help change their perception of the dentist, hopefully making them feel confident and comfortable returning once again in the future.

Worst Case Scenario

Unfortunately, if a dental issue has been left too long, removing it is the only option. In these cases, there are two options available: having dental implants or dentures. Tooth extractions are rarer than what you may have initially imagined. If having one does occur, you will be warned before the procedure happens.

General Care To Maintain A Gleaming Smile

Preventing the vast majority of dental problems is incredibly simple and is easily avoidable. By being responsible for your overall oral health care, such as brushing at least twice a day, visiting a dentist, and using floss and mouthwash, are simple yet effective ways to prevent any dental issues.

Whilst this helps to prevent any issues from arising, keeping note of any anomalies or issues that arise when either brushing your teeth or throughout the day. Whether it be a toothache, consistent mouth ulcers, seeking advice from your dentist can help to spot early signs of issues such as gum disease or tooth decay. It is better to prevent a dental problem from occurring than to find ways to cure one.

Just like the rest of your body and mind, your teeth need to be taken care of. In doing so, they will provide you with little trouble and a gleaming smile.

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