Home Education Use a Life Experience Degree to Flourish as a Digital Photographer

Use a Life Experience Degree to Flourish as a Digital Photographer

by Louise W. Rice

Newbie photographers searching the Internet for basic tips may feel overwhelmed with what they will get on the web. Nowadays, many of the techniques posted online deal with the technical aspects of the craft. Although these details are undeniably informative, some of them can sound confusing for those merely starting with the hobby.

This article aims to address the concern and to provide first-time shutterbugs with easy-to-understand principles. Taking beautiful pictures does not have to be a problem with these tips, even if you lack experience and skill.

Believe it or not, some famous photographers were initially hobbyists who merely enjoyed taking pictures of their surroundings, friends, and family. Nevertheless, if you look at their works, you will see that they are on the right track. Why is that? The results of their shots are almost professional-grade. These are the same people who only need to hone their craft to be astounding because they have a naturally creative eye.

A few of these hobbyists bit the bullet and relied on the fake diploma to help them penetrate the world of mainstream photography. However, buying fake credentials is the last thing you would want to do. Why is that?

A fake diploma can get you in trouble. Nevertheless, with a bit of practice and a better understanding of the concept of digital photography, you can start taking great shots that can rake in a good income for you.

Understanding the Basics of Digital Photography

First and foremost, you must learn that photography, in general, is about storytelling. As a famous saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and that is precisely what you are aiming for whenever you use your camera. Composition, framing, and exposures are factors that help you achieve the goal of capturing important moments and events. Good photographers are often fond of capturing emotions, and that is something you might want to consider as you learn digital photography.

Keeping this in mind, you also have to decide about the different focal points of your shots. You have to draw your viewers’ eyes to a specific subject, which you can effortlessly do if you’ve thought about it in advance. Framing the shot will be easier if you are aware of your subject matter.

So what do you do when there are competing focal points in a single shot? Well, that depends on the placement of the secondary focal point. Some of them can enhance and add depth to your image, while some may be too distracting. Learning to determine which is which is an art you will eventually master with continuous practice.

When talking about distractions, learning digital photography also means deciding whether a background will improve your image or not. At times, blurring the background is better than giving it some focus. However, there are also some instances when blurring may not be too ideal.

Beginners usually make the mistake of not maintaining proper distance from their subject. Filling the frame is excellent for those who are after detailed shots. Move towards your subject or use a longer focal length.

Identifying the light source is also crucial for a successful shot. If your location does not have adequate lighting, you will have little hope of taking quality images. It will prevent you from capturing the details, and clarity will not be too pleasing. Some fundamental factors to keep in mind are to check where the light is coming from, assessing whether there is sufficient amount in the location and if artificial lighting is needed. In most cases, a sturdy tripod or monopod helps prevent shaky cameras. If there is low light condition and you are trying to photograph a moving subject, you may find this tip helpful.

Making your images exceptional also requires a proper understanding of perspectives. Usually, beginners are identified with this part because they do not go beyond landscape and portrait formats. Experienced photographers are often more adventurous when it comes to perspective. Feel free to play around and move your camera to look for creative angles while learning digital photography.

Of course, you can further develop your skills as a photographer by enrolling in a digital photography school. You can also use the life experiences you have gained as a hobbyist photographer to get a life experience degree and use it to apply for jobs directly or exchange it for credits when you enroll for a bachelor’s degree in photography.

Hone Your Skills by Attending a Digital Photography School

Digital photography has gotten more and more people hooked these days. Ever since the inception of digital photography, it has been more accessible and more convenient for people to take the best photos they desire. Indeed, it has become the wave of today and probably of generations to come. What is more, photography is turning out to be one of the best bachelor degree jobs you could find.

Having a degree in photography can open for you a career in fashion, news media, or forensics. You could become a professional wedding, nature, or fine arts photographer. If you acquire even more skills and knowledge through your studies, you could have a lucrative career in the arts, journalism, film, or graphic design. And the salary of photographers is no joke. According to Salary.com, the median salary for those with digital photography skills is $58,339. Digital photographers, in general, can earn anywhere between $52,787 and $63,891.

People have suddenly forgotten about traditional cameras that make use of rolls of film. Digital point-and-shoot and single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras, and even smartphone cameras have become the “in” thing. And with the advent of these modern cameras, everyone seems to claim to be “photographers” even if they did not even have formal digital photography lessons.

If you have a digital point-and-shoot camera or even a camera phone that can take incredible shots, it is easy for you to take snapshots on a whim. Afterward, you can easily use phone applications to enhance the images using filters, borders, tilt shifting effects, and so much more. If the shots you have taken please you no end, you can upload these in social networking sites, and voila, you have just posted several masterpieces.

Today, anyone can take photos of events and everyday scenes, even good ones at that. It all seems too easy. Nevertheless, a real photographer is someone with real skill, panache for finding extraordinary subjects and backdrops, and a creative eye, as mentioned earlier. Not even owning the most advanced gadgets could get a person noteworthy photographs if they lack the skill. A photograph’s quality depends on both the photographer and the equipment.

Therefore, if you are into photography or want to dabble in it and improve on your craft, you should not stop merely buying the latest model of photography equipment. It would be good for you to enroll in a digital photography class. Aside from the basics of photography, you may learn about portraiture, outdoor photography, sports coverage, and many more. You can even take them at your most convenient time.

Of course, you can learn a wealth of knowledge from such classes. Some of these are considered the secrets to taking great pictures. You will learn the following:

  • Being attentive to the subject

One of the essential things you should learn about digital photography is paying attention to your subject. Working on the frame will allow you to compose your shots carefully. Do not be afraid to tinker with your device and discover a variety of pictures. Refrain from placing your object in the middle of the picture if you do not want a dead center image.

  • Capturing Close-Up Photos

One of the secrets to taking great images is by taking them in extreme close-ups. Close-up photos add a touch of imagination and thrill to the pictures. Also, this aspect is one of the various ways to enrich your image.

  • Using a tripod

Digital cameras can take blurry photographs significantly if you have shaky or quivering hands. Nevertheless, if you have a tripod, you will avoid taking low-quality shots and preserving otherwise fantastic pictures.

  • Being active

Do not be afraid to try imaginative shots. Go atop a hill and take photos from there or take pictures off the side of a yacht. Go outdoors and discover your surroundings. Toy with the features of your digital camera. Take macro and micro shots. Let loose. You will have the time of your life working those unique, once-in-a-lifetime shots.

Digital photography schools could teach you many more things about photography than you could have dreamed possible. So, instead of opting for a fake diploma, try to enroll in a digital photography course. Better yet, as discussed briefly earlier, if you already have experience, you can use a life degree experience to apply for a job straight away or enroll in a four-year course. You can check this out to know more about life experience degrees.

Remember, your learning should not only focus on the valuable part. While experience is the best teacher, learning from a pro would also improve your proficiencies as a photographer. Becoming a professional digital photographer does not happen overnight. It takes time and concentrated effort. You only need to be ingenious and keep on trying new methods. The lessons you will learn in photography classes could catalyze your career growth.

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