Home Auto Driving Test: Tips To Help You Ace Your Test

Driving Test: Tips To Help You Ace Your Test

by Louise W. Rice

Performing your driving test is one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of your life. It doesn’t matter if you are a young teen eager to hit the road with your friends or in your mid-forties and learning to drive for a new job position, the final driving test can still be a monolithic challenge.

Your driving lessons will most likely go off without a hitch, but the second you are faced with that examiner, all knowledge slips from your mind. The important thing is to remember to relax, but there are some other things that you should keep in mind. Here is a list of tips to help you ace your driving test.

Your Instructor

Learning to drive starts by selecting a local driving instructor. Each instructor brings their car, but also their own unique set of skills.

You may choose to go with a certain instructor because of a friendly recommendation, or because they are the first name that you come across. Either way, the chemistry you have with your instructor is vital for determining how you will eventually perform in a test. There is no shame in admitting that a certain instructor isn’t right for you. Every teacher has their own approach, and if your instructor’s teaching method doesn’t work in the first few sessions; it will not work.

Try to be honest and find an instructor that suits you. Start well, and you are more likely to succeed.

Practice As Much As Possible

Of course, you are going to be out with your driving instructor at least once a week before your big test. However, this does not always guarantee that you receive a full experience. Always look for other opportunities to drive, especially if it is in a place that is unfamiliar to you.

A weekend getaway before your test can break you out of your comfort zone and get you used to different types of road. Perhaps request a lesson somewhere that you feel most nervous about. The DMV can throw anything at you during your test, so make sure that you are prepared by practicing everywhere and anywhere. Just make sure you bring a qualified driver with you at all times, of course.

Learn The Routes

A qualified driving instructor should know all there is to know about the testing process. They are there to teach you for the final exam, and this includes familiarising you with any of the routes that you are likely to take.

Therefore, they should prepare you for every eventuality. Request these routes as often as possible, and even try to drive them during busy times. You may not have the optimum time for your test, so get to know the test routes at the worst times, and you should be better prepared for when these roads are more relaxed.


A key part of learning to drive is knowing how the car works. An engine is a complicated machine, but you should be taken through all of the important elements by your instructor.

Your driving test will feature a show/tell section, which aims to test some of your practical knowledge of running a vehicle to make sure that it is safe on the roads. This involves knowing where to put the brake fluid, oil, power steering fluid, and even the screen wash.

You will only be asked to provide two of these examples, but learning how to check all of these levels is a must for anyone that wants to pass their driving test the first time. What’s more, you should check these parts of the engine in the vehicle you hope to drive once you have passed your test. Chances are you will need to replace one of these fluids at some point, so try to prepare yourself as much as possible.

Know What To Do When Things Go Wrong

Part of the reason why you are tested on your driving skills isn’t to see if you know how to operate a car in the best of circumstances. Instead, examiners are looking to see how you will fare in a crisis. Not everything will go according to plan on your test, so you must know how to react in difficult situations.

A good student will always have control of the vehicle in every circumstance. This means that you should demonstrate this ability if an issue occurs. It does not matter what you do, rather how you react. Try to keep a cool head and evaluate each situation as they come. You won’t always have an examiner next to you, so keep this in mind and take the course of action you feel is safest.

What’s more, your examiner will constantly test this knowledge in the show/tell portion of the test. You may need to tell them what you would do if something happened to your car. Therefore, you must brush up on key locations, like Campanella’s auto & tyre center, and your local mechanic, in case you are involved in a fender bender. Knowledge is power, so obtain as much as you can before the big day arrives.

Keep Your Theory Test In Mind

On the topic of driving knowledge, you may think that you are done with this part of the process once the theory test is out of the way. While a solid pass is all you need to move onto the practical section of your driving test, it does not mean that you should forget everything you learned.

These questions can still pop up again in your practical test, and your examiner will know if you’ve forgotten anything crucial. The theory test is devised to educate you on all of the rules of the road to make sure that you are as safe as possible when driving alone on the roads. Therefore, you should try to revisit this information often, so you aren’t caught out by any tricky questions. You will need to use this knowledge throughout the rest of your driving life, after all.

Trust The Verdict

The driving examiner is there to evaluate whether you are a safe enough driver to operate a motor vehicle on the roads without assistance. Their judgment is made for your safety and the safety of other road users.

This means that it is wise to accept their final judgment, regardless of your own opinions. Some drivers may feel confident enough to take the car for a spin, but a fatal mistake can deny them the permission they need to do so. Take this assessment as a writ and learn from your mistakes. There is no point arguing your case as you have no say in the matter. Try to be honest with yourself and make a plan to do better.

Also, remember to congratulate yourself if you do succeed. Passing a driving test under these conditions is extremely difficult, so be kind to yourself by recognizing this huge achievement.


The most important thing to remember when it comes to your final driving test is that everyone approaches the experience differently. It could take a while to get your license, or you could pass the first time. Take our advice but try to remember that there is no rush. Learn from every mistake, and it will come easier next time.

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