Home Family 11 Simple Ways to Prepare Your House for Overnight Guests

11 Simple Ways to Prepare Your House for Overnight Guests

by Louise W. Rice

Hosting guests overnight is a lovely way to spend quality time with the people you love. You get uninterrupted, quality time catching up and unwinding together, and this is what life is all about. Opening up your home can feel like a lot of pressure, but it doesn’t have to if you follow these 11 simple steps to get ready and prepared for anything.

1. Prepare Their Room

Your first task is to make sure their sleeping quarters are completely ready to go. The room should be clean, organized, and comfortable so they can walk right in and feel at home. Find some new bed linen online to give the bed an extra touch of luxury, and focus on the small touches like removing dust from the ceiling corners and providing a fresh set of towels for their stay.

It is fun to think of it as though your house is a guest accommodation, and you are the host looking for a great review. There is less pressure, of course, because these are your friends or family. Yet, premium touches like this get the visitors going in the most positive way possible.

2. Plan the Entertainment

How are you going to entertain your guests? If it is a simple case of sitting back and relaxing with a nice drink or meal, then make sure you have everything ready in advance. You don’t want to waste time at the store when they arrive, as every minute counts when catching up with old friends, and we all know how precious these moments are in busy adult life. If you have something more extravagant in mind, like a big night out or a craft activity, then set this up so everything that can be ready is good to go well before the time it is needed too.

3. Clean, Clean, Clean!

Cleaning is something that you either love or hate. There is no middle ground. However, if there are certain tasks you have been putting off, like cleaning the shower tiles or treating the carpet to fresh shampoo, this is the perfect motivation to tick those tasks off your list.

You will feel more confident hosting in a clean, fresh-smelling environment, and it is always nice to be able to welcome people into an organized space as opposed to one filled with clutter and debris. Make sure all of the heavy traffic areas, like bathrooms and hallways, are spotless and properly set up, and create a tranquil vibe in the main hangout area too.

4. Eliminate the Laundry

Eliminating may sound a little strong, but it is the only way to feel completely relaxed. The dirty clothes will undoubtedly pile up after the weekend is over, and you will also have an extra set of bedding and towels to clean as well. So give yourself a headstart and try to clear the baskets before your guests arrive. This way, you will have far fewer obligations and be more relaxed that one major job is not hanging over your head.

5. Make a Welcome Basket

If you want to go the extra mile and really put in a few delicate touches here and there, why not make your guests a beautiful welcome basket? You could pop in some facecloths and toiletries, snacks, bedsocks, house rules, and whatever else you feel inspired by. Leave it on the drawers or bed in their room, and let them enjoy whatever little treats you have in store.

6. Make Sure You Have the Basics Covered

This may mean a trip to the shops, but it will be more than worth your time when your guests are all settled. The basics are things like toilet rolls, bottled water, breakfast foods, first aid kits, and general household necessities. There is no harm at all in stocking up a little to ensure you don’t run out. It will put your mind at ease knowing that everything you might need is right there waiting in a cupboard, and make hosting a whole lot easier too.

7. Let Some Fresh Air In

The last thing you want is for your house to feel stale and stink of strong cleaning products. So, open up some windows and let the fresh air circulate throughout every room. It doesn’t have to be for too long, just as long as the effects are felt, and the environment feels revamped. Everyone knows that fresh air is good for the soul, after all.

8. Take Care of their Luggage

Your guests will need somewhere to put their bags that are not in their way while they stay in your home. If you don’t have a cupboard in the guest bedroom, make sure you let them know exactly where they can put their things so they don’t have to ask you and create an awkward atmosphere.

9. Plan for Their Vehicle

If your guest is arriving by car, you will need to figure out where they are parking. This is a common stress for anyone visiting a new place, and they will need to feel reassured that their car is going to be safe if it can’t be parked directly next to their property. Scout out a suitable spot, and guide them to it when they turn up so that everyone feels happy and isn’t carrying the extra stress.

10. Think About Breakfast Too

You may have done your grocery shopping, but have you planned out the all-important morning meal? Breakfast is a great way to socialize and catch up about the fun you had the night before, and it will help make everyone feel ready for the day ahead. Make sure you have all of their favorite foods in the house, and don’t be afraid to get up early to waft the delicious scents through the house.

11. Pick a Daytime Plan Together

You are the host and, therefore, will know the area the best. Your guest may have some idea of what they want to do, so it’s best to plan this part of the trip together.

Hosting guests in your home overnight is an exciting thing to do. Get everything you can get ready, done in advance, and let the fun times roll.

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