Home Law Best Legal Recourse for Injured Victims of Motorcycle Accidents

Best Legal Recourse for Injured Victims of Motorcycle Accidents

by Louise W. Rice

Motorcycle accidents are gruesome realities of road life in Florida. Riders will likely experience physical and psychological drama even with the best protective care. In severe cases, riders might even experience brain damage regardless of the helmet they are wearing. This is because high-speed motorcycle crashes are highly likely to inflict grave damage on those involved in the collision.

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, there were over 1,200 motorcycle accidents in Florida in 2021. Of these, 90% led to property damage only, while 10% resulted in injury or death. Additionally, approximately 36% of motorcycle accidents involved drivers aged 21-30, followed by drivers under 21 with 28%. Drivers aged 61 and older accounted for 4% of total motorcycle accidents during this period.

Things are particularly hazardous for riders because of the heavy tourist traffic in Spring Hill. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, your best option is to consult legal aid. Visit LMDLawFirm.com to learn how accident attorneys leverage the legal system to get fair compensation for their clients. The following is an overview of some of the ways attorneys assist clients.

Request Official Documents

Evidence gathering is a crucial part of the process. Your attorney will start building your case by gathering official documents like medical and police reports. Due to the complexity of requesting these documents, having a lawyer is essential. They leverage institutional contacts to get a hold of every necessary paperwork to make a claim legitimate.

In addition to the police report, other documents needed to file a legal claim include bills and receipts for any medical treatment or services related to the accident, statements from witnesses of the accident, evidence of lost wages and income due to the accident, estimates for vehicle repair or replacement costs, photographs of the debris at the scene of the accident, and any documents relating to insurance coverage. Your lawyer will be best placed to gather this information and present it to other parties involved.

Negotiate with Insurance Companies

After receiving medical treatment, the next step is to assess the damages and file a settlement claim. This is a tedious process that requires meticulous research and accurate paperwork. Your attorney will guide you through the best course of action. They will also represent you in negotiations with the insurance company to allow you a fair claim.

The specifics of insurance claims differ by state. That is why a Spring Hill firm will be best placed to handle your claim, as they would be near the crash site and municipal offices. You might also have to contact the defendant’s insurance agencies if they dispute the timeline of events and deny a claim. This is why it is imperative to have legal help and not go through this process alone. Some insurance firms might pressure you to settle a claim without involving attorneys. Do not fall for this regardless of what they claim or offer. You will be offered the lowest possible amount.

Maintain a copy of every conversation you have with your insurance provider. This might make it easier for you to monitor the progress of your claim and guarantee that you have the correct information in the event of a disagreement. Do not delete emails, letters, or telephone logs, regardless of how long the case goes on. Finally, keep a strict check on paperwork deadlines. You will significantly reduce your chances of attaining fair compensation.

Attend Settlement Negotiation

In this step, your legal team will sit with other parties to reach a settlement agreement. Each party provides its version of the story and gets to cross-examine facts. Then an amicable settlement is achieved. If the parties fail to do so, the case will be headed to trial. Note that it is in the best interest of all parties to settle the matter out of court. This is because the legal process is long and financially draining. Your legal team will assess the offers and guide you on the best action.

Experienced attorneys have domain expertise and can assess whether a trial is worth the investment. This information is not available in the public domain. Industry experts can only acquire it.

Preparing For Trial

If your case is headed to trial, your legal team will begin prepping for the event. This is a tedious process and requires time to put together. The following are some of how lawyers have to prepare for trial:

  • Create visual aids and exhibits containing images, schematics, or videos of the accident scene. This will significantly help your case, as humans are often visual learners. Images can move juries to deliver dramatic judgments.
  • The attorney will prepare strong opening and closing statements for the jury. These assertions will highlight the facts and emotionally persuade the jury to acknowledge that the defendant was negligent.
  • Your team will prepare witnesses who testify to your character or ability. Moreover, expert testimony from police, paramedic, and crash investigative authorities can prove negligence. Your team will vet your witnesses to offer testimony that favors your case. While experts cannot be coached, your legal aid will be able to identify expert witnesses that sway the jury more or less depending on the case’s specifics.
  • During cross-examination, your attorney will anticipate questions from the opposing counsel. They will prepare you and the witnesses to respond effectively to any challenges during cross-examination. Meanwhile, the defendant’s witness will be grilled by your legal team.
  • After the judgment, your lawyer can help you understand the outcome of your case and file an appeal if it is warranted.

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