Home Health What Are The 5 Types Of OCD?

What Are The 5 Types Of OCD?

by Louise W. Rice

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, sometimes known as OCD, is a mental illness in which a person has unsettling and enduring obsessions, thinking, and compulsive, persistent activities. OCD manifests itself in various ways, such as compulsions to organize and arrange items in particular ways, worry about contamination, obsessive completion monitoring, worry about injuring other people, and perceptions that are hostile, violent, or sensual.

Hoarding syndrome, skin-picking disease, and tresses disorder are a few more illnesses that resemble OCD. With focused therapy and additional care, it can effectively cure everyone.

The root causes and current status of OCD

A significant source of anxiety and disability is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It leads to compulsive actions that an individual feels forced to engage in and tries to regulate or decrease, as well as unpleasant and distressing intrusive thoughts that they cannot overcome.

OCD may be exceedingly time-consuming and significantly disrupt a person’s social, professional, academic, and daily life. One in 100 adults in the United States suffers from OCD and 2.4 percent received a diagnosis at some time in their life; it is not unusual as a psychological illness.

Shift Grit, the best psychologist in Calgary, is here to help if you need assistance managing your OCD. They are aware of how challenging the sickness may be. Their qualified counselors and therapists will comprehend your feelings and assist you in overcoming them.

How do we define OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health condition characterized by compulsive behaviors and obsessive thinking. For a disease to be diagnosed, a person must display one or both of the symptoms listed below. In addition, the symptoms must be unpleasant, considerably impair one’s ability to do daily tasks, and take up a lot of time.

Constant, unwelcome, and unsettling ideas are considered obsessions. They produce severe anguish, worry, or terror and are practically hard to prevent. Any number of things, such as a continuous uncertainty that work has been finished, violent pictures that won’t disappear, or dread of contracting germs, might be the subject of obsessive thinking. These ideas are not rational, regardless of their actual content, but it is pretty difficult to stop them.

One who engages in compulsive activities does so to stop intrusive thoughts from occurring, lessen their suffering, or avoid adverse outcomes. The ideas and compulsive behaviors are frequently unrelated, but occasionally they are, like in the case of a person who washes their hands constantly out of a phobia of germs. A person with OCD genuinely battles to regulate these actions, even if illogical, and feels forced to participate. This is similar to obsessive thinking.

Types Of OCD

Technically, OCD comes in a variety of ways. However, there are several “types” of similar symptom groups. These are based on parallels between the content of unwanted thoughts and the answers a person provides to them. Even though someone with OCD may have obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors, the following ones occur repeatedly.

1. Sexual or combative thoughts:

The fear of hurting others, striking out physically, or having visions of violence and aggression is a typical obsession. This kind of idea can also be sexual, for instance, when a person worries about acting in an inappropriate sexual context or encounters recurrent, upsetting sexual images.

2. Harming the loved ones:

Some people’s most significant worry isn’t necessarily that they’ll hurt themselves but rather that someone close to them will suffer harm. Compulsive behaviors can take many forms and are frequently utilized to stop the damage from happening – such as a child being injured in a car accident.

3. Contaminants and Germs/Bacteria

People often associate OCD with a phobia of germs and the desire to wash their hands excessively. People with OCD may prevent things and actions as a result. Compulsive washing of hands and cleansing are common behaviors associated with the condition.

4. Confusion and incompleteness

Obsessive thoughts of this nature frequently result in compulsive verifying activities, such as returning to the door repeatedly to ensure it is shut. An illustration would be someone who questions if they shut the door while leaving home.

5. Self-Control

Many people with OCD express dread of regaining control and performing something wrong. It connects with the violent or sexual obsessions that some individuals stress about yelling in society while others worry about hurting someone. Any form of obsessive activity may come next. However, this fixation can also cause isolation since the person may shun social situations.

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