Home Tech VR, AI, And Decentralisation: Are Businesses Already Adapting To The Incoming World Of Web 3.0?

VR, AI, And Decentralisation: Are Businesses Already Adapting To The Incoming World Of Web 3.0?

by Louise W. Rice

As we know, three significant trends are transforming the web: blockchain, AI, and decentralization. But what does this mean for business? And how can you get ready? This article will explore how these technologies change how people interact, and businesses operate.

What is Web 3?

Web 3 is a collection of technologies that will change how we use the internet. It’s seen as a successor to web 2, but it’s also known as the decentralized web, a more secure environment. It uses blockchain technology, creating an immutable transaction and data ledger to ensure no hacks or breaches.

One thing to note is that much of what is anticipated in the Web3 revolution is to varying extents already underway. For instance, cryptocurrencies are touted to play a fundamental role in the engagement with Web3 services and products. It will be the payment method of choice, not traditional banking methods.

However, much of what crypto offers as a payment method is already offered by digital wallets like PayPal, Neteller, and Skrill. Those who frequent sports betting blog sites looking for tips before depositing funds in their account to place bets know full well the benefits of digital wallets: the faster transaction speeds, the increased security, and the versatility of bankroll control. None of this is that new.

How Is Web 3 Different From VR?

Web 3 is not just the new version of the internet. It’s an open-source platform built on blockchain technology and promises to be more secure and private than today’s version of the web.

It’s important to note that Web 3 will not replace VR but instead compete with it for users’ attention. The two technologies are very different:

  • Web 3 is a digital world outside the physical world. At the same time, VR takes you into a simulated environment by creating images in front of your eyes, but both can transport you entirely elsewhere.
  • Web 3 uses blockchain technology as its backbone, which means there are no centralized servers or websites; instead, all information is stored across multiple nodes which form part of an interconnected network without any central control point like Google or Facebook being able to control access to it.

Why Is Decentralisation a Positive Factor?

why is decentralisation a positive factor

The blockchain, the leading technology behind decentralization, is a secure way of storing data, for example, the data stored at an online casino. When you use a decentralized platform like Web 3.0 or EOS, your data will be stored in multiple locations, not just one central server. This makes it more difficult for hackers to get into these systems and steal your personal information or financial details because they have to break into several servers instead of just one.

Decentralized platforms are more transparent than centralized ones because no single authority decides what content gets published and who can access it. There are also fewer barriers when creating something new as there isn’t an approval process involved like on Facebook, where content creators have to apply through an application form before they can publish their work online – once again making things easier for people looking for alternative ways of sharing their work with others around them.

Benefits of Web 3

The benefits of web3 mainly revolve around information and data security. This is because decentralization means there is no single point of failure in the network. The system runs on multiple computers at once, so you can be sure that if one computer fails, another will pick up the slack and keep things running smoothly.

What Are the Drawbacks of Web 3?

It’s easy to think of the internet as a mature technology with a fully-realized purpose, but in reality, it still has much growing up. The web was invented when very few people had computer access, and even fewer had internet connections. When Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web in 1989, he didn’t think about how it would be used by millions of people worldwide – after all, who could have imagined that such an invention would one day become so central to our lives?

The same goes for blockchain technology and other elements of Web 3: they were created for specific purposes by their creators. But now that many businesses are beginning to adopt these technologies into their operations, there needs to be further development before we can genuinely say, “Web 3 is here!”


We can’t wait to see what the future holds for web 3.0, but one thing is sure: we stand on the cusp of a major technological revolution. By learning more about how this new world works and getting involved with it as it evolves, businesses will be able to take advantage of all it has to offer.

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