Home Education Myths About Learning to Code

Myths About Learning to Code

by Louise W. Rice

Parents, teachers, and educators have understood the importance of empowering children with 21st-century skills, specifically coding. The realization that children can learn to code has made it necessary for schools, learning institutions, and other facilitators to introduce programming courses for beginners and other enthusiasts.

However, since coding and computer science, in general, are embedded within the systems of technological devices, there are several misconceptions about what programming entails. This guide dispels some of the common myths about learning programming.

1. Coding is for Specific People

Unfortunately, most parents and educators think that coding is reserved only for specific people. However, the truth is, anyone willing to spare some time and effort can learn to code. Programming requires logical skills, which anyone can learn gradually over time. As one acquires coding knowledge, these logical skills progress naturally.

Learning how to code is the same as learning new subjects at school, which requires hard work. As such, it requires one to build skills from the basics, and students shouldn’t expect to be an expert at coding within a few weeks. Fortunately, several online courses offered by The Coder School offer introductory courses for kids looking to learn how to code.

That aside, it is worth noting that programming is an achievable skill for every age group. Kindergarten kids, high school children, and college students can become good programmers by learning various programming languages.

2. You Should Be Good in Math to Learn to Code

This is another common misconception that discourages people from learning to code. While you need basic algebra and calculus skills to learn coding and web development, you should prioritize learning how computer systems work. Essentially, you won’t be working on advanced math concepts in the future to develop websites and apps.

What matters most in programming is how better you can solve problems. You should find ways of tackling problems in a creative and structured way. As such, you need great logical skills, a lot of patience, and perseverance. However, if you aren’t good at solving problems effectively, don’t worry, as you will learn these skills as you start learning to code.

3. Coding Takes Much Time

Learning to intricate code projects or becoming an experienced coder definitely takes time. However, once you grasp the basics of coding, the process of creating apps and websites doesn’t take long. Some apps may take as few as twenty minutes to write, while others can take days to conceptualize and make them a functional script. Therefore, it is frivolous to generalize that programming takes a long time.

Essentially, computer scientists spend much time debugging and optimizing codes compared to writing them. Since technological systems are dynamic, software should be updated to match evolving technologies. As such, computer scientists should keep on modifying the underlying scripts. Adding new features ad updating codes for some apps can take time.

4. Coding Can Only Be Done on a Computer

Unfortunately, most people think you need a computer to code, which is false in some way. The best way to put this is that most coding processes are completed on a computer. However, with the widespread use of tablets and smartphones, you can code build apps and websites on these devices.

Several coding activities can be done without a desktop or laptop. For instance, you can practice coding on the go from various coding games, apps, and toys. Another alternative to practicing programming is writing the codes. While this may seem impractical, especially in the current age of technology, some companies require job applicants to write down codes during interviews.

Besides helping with interviews, writing out codes will enable you to learn good syntax and coding procedures.

5. Once You Learn One Language, You are Done Learning

This is also completely false. Coding has evolved over time, and once you have mastered one language, you will find other new things to learn. That aside, you have to relearn other things because of evolving technology. Therefore, learning to code never stops, and you need to stay updated with current practices to remain relevant in the industry. Otherwise, you will be left behind operating outdated software that isn’t in use anymore.

6. One Coding Language is Better than Others

While some developers claim that one coding is better than the rest, this is not true. Every coding language serves a different purpose and works differently. Therefore, choosing a language comes down to user preference, as some programming languages are simple, easier to use, and better suited for specific tasks. As such, saying that one language is better than others is false.

The Bottom Line

There are hundreds of myths about programming that make interested people hesitant to learn to code. Myths such as being a math genius and claiming that one language is better than the rest have prevented many people from starting their coding careers. Therefore, always verify every statement before believing in them.

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