Home Investment Wondering What Can You Buy With Bitcoin? Here Are 5 Surprising Things

Wondering What Can You Buy With Bitcoin? Here Are 5 Surprising Things

by Louise W. Rice

It’s been another epoch-defining year for cryptocurrency. The price of bitcoin and altcoins have soared to heights that few could have predicted. Meanwhile, institutions and billionaire investors across the economic spectrum are piling into bitcoin like never before, with many convinced that its future as a solid asset, currency, and investment vehicle is all but assured.

Few could deny that bitcoin is bigger than ever, but what can you buy with bitcoin? As you shall see, no longer is the ability to spend bitcoin decided by a few gimmicky product promotions. Today, you can spend your bitcoin on a massive range of real-world goods and services. Here are some of our favorites.

1. Real Estate

For those who invest in bitcoin, 2017 was a huge year, one that first saw the coin break into the mainstream. It was also the first time a house sold entirely for bitcoin, the one buyer spending $480,000 worth of BTC to purchase a home in Essex, UK. Since then, things have come a long way, with OpenHouzz and even WeWork now accepting bitcoin for real estate sales.

2. Cars

If you want to spend bitcoin, you probably have wondered already if Tesla accepts BTC for its cars. Unfortunately, this is not the case. However, a growing number of auto dealerships across the US now accept bitcoin for new and used cars, with Karma Automotive being one example of a chain that is bitcoin-inclusive. If you want to buy a car with BTC, you can simply head to a nearby Bitcoin ATM and put the exact amount you need into bitcoin. It’s that simple.

3. Insurance

Probably a major step in the recent history of BTC is that it is being increasingly used to purchase insurance policies. This is partly due to the blockchain-based nature of the currency, which makes insurance policies and transactions transparent and secure. The Swiss insurance giant AXA now accepts bitcoin for a large number of its policies (except for life insurance policies).

4. Clothes

You don’t have to make life-changing purchases with your bitcoin. You can now even make minor transactions to buy clothes and accessories from a variety of retailers. There are stocks, which sell quirky bitcoin-themed socks and accessories from true crypto-fans, accepting a variety of currencies for its wares. There’s the cult-hit Belgian apparel retailer SUMOR, which accepts BTC for all of its products. The list goes on.

5. Food

Did you know all of the bitcoin mining could feed you and your family for a long time? An increasing number of food retailers and restaurants now accept bitcoin as payment. Some of the world’s largest food delivery companies accept bitcoin just as they would any other currency. Just Eat in France accepts Bitcoin, as does Liererando in Germany, and Acker Wines, should you wish to splurge on some high-end tipple.

Now That You Know What Can You Buy with Bitcoin

Now that you know the answer to the question “what can you buy with bitcoin?”, it’s time to learn more. In our daily-curated Tech guides, you can catch all of the latest and most important crypto news that affects you. Check it out today.

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