Home Education Meet Top Best Writing Apps to Use in College

Meet Top Best Writing Apps to Use in College

by Louise W. Rice

Want to do some workout sessions based on your special schedule anytime, anywhere? There are loads of apps for that. Look for an easy way to keep in touch with your family and friends far away? There are many options to do that. Need some easy-to-use online paper grader? There are also apps and websites where you can find an online essay checker and grader. Practically anything you could ever imagine to have (starting from boosting your productivity to tracking your finances) is at your service at any time today.

Below, we offer a list of some of the best writing apps that will help college and university students ease the process of writing and get any assignment done within the deadline.

1. Grammarly

Grammarly really saves the day! This wonderful app is designed to enhance your grammar by highlighting the paragraphs, sentences, phrases, and word combinations that are grammatically incorrect. Taking into account the fact how important grammar issues are in any college paper, Grammarly helps you accomplish the finest quality term papers, movie reviews, dissertations, essays, and so on. No wrong tense will be used or the words misplaced in your text.

All the features offered by the Grammarly creators make it a must-have for busy undergrads. They are detailed report that helps you get to know your weaknesses and strengths when it comes to writing. It will also provide you with a real-time checker that works as a real-time professional editor. As a result, you will have a chance to enhance your writing skills from essay to essay. After all, the app does not just highlight the mistakes that you make. It explains each error in each case.

2. Evernote

If you’re stuck in the process of note-taking, Evernote will help you to cope with the task so that you can use your notes later. The app provides you with a place to keep all of your notes and organize them to ensure you will easily find them. What is more, Evernote gives you a chance to not only capture your text, but also voice notes and pictures. In other words, you can deal with any format of your sources and store it to use in the future.

The app can be downloaded on your Microsoft, Apple, or Android device. Plus, the basic version of it is 100% free if having a place to record your notes is the only option you’re interested in. If the user wants to be able to organize and share the notes with others, they will be required to pay $7.99 per month. You’re welcome to check the rest of the differences between packages, like max note size and monthly upload limits, before your choose the most suitable version.

3. Canva

If you ever want to include illustrations and images in your written project, Canva is here to help. It is an easy-to-use editing program that enables one to crop, merge, as well as illustrate images in order to meet the desired purpose. The good news is that this software is available for free and works on all existing writing gadgets, including your iPhone. At the same time,  you’re welcome to work with a paid version to get access to some advanced features.

4. Scrivener

One of the features that make this app one of the best writing software is that it’s really flexible. For example, those students, who consider themselves planners and choose to outline their texts in detail, will love Scrivener because it allows doing all that.

Meet the other features that the Scrivener app has to offer:

  • Format templates and presets
  • Insert tables and images
  • Footnote support
  • Transferring documents from the other apps directly to the Scrivener
  • An outliner and corkboard for better planning
  • Setting and tracking your writing goals

The Scrivener app functions well with Windows 7 and newer, Mac OS 10.12+, and Apple gadgets with iOS 9+. The price you will have to pay depends on the version of the app that you choose. The cost usually ranges from $19.99 (iOS version) to $42 (mac OS).

5. American Wordspeller

Strong writing is based on in-depth research, correct spelling, and credibility of the information included. But the question is – how can you locate a new word in the dictionary if you have no idea of how to spell it? It’s time to use the American Wordspeller app to handle this problem! Use the app to find this or that word exactly the way it sounds. You can type just the first 2-3 letters of the word and let the app use the so-called predictive function to identify the word that you’re stuck with. American Wordspeller is the right place to go for those who need to boost words spelling!

6. Writing Challenge App

If you’re on the lookout for some ways to enjoy writing, the Writing Challenge App could be an option. It serves as your personal helper when it comes to the toughest college papers and works as a fun and interactive game. The Writing Challenge App offers a prompt to get your writing starter. Next, every other minute, the Writing Challenge App provides you with the other prompt to add new words, sentences, ideas, actions, or places to the existing plot. If you’re struggling with your essay, book review, or any other type of academic assignments that require a bit more creativity than usually, you will enjoy this wonderful digital helper.

7. Sentence Builder

Meet the app that won the nomination “2010 IEAR Language Arts App of the Year”! The Sentence Builder app is there to assist elementary students. Equipped with a game-like user-friendly interface, the Sentence Builder tool helps create sentences that are complex and grammatically correct. The app also includes progress monitoring, audio reinforcement, and other options that make the process of writing easier and more enjoyable.


Numerous writing apps and tools are available on the web at the moment. Whether you’re looking for some help with citations, formatting, or grammar, there is a website or an app to deal with any issues imaginable. The internet offers a bunch of free options that you are welcome to test before choosing to pay for advanced services. You’re welcome to use these tools to make the academic routine less challenging!

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