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8 Things to Consider Before Moving Overseas

by Louise W. Rice

Do you have the desire to make a big change in your life? Are you tired of the same old, same old, and want to shake things up? While there are many areas you could focus on and affect change, for some people, the perfect solution could be to move overseas and immerse themselves in new experiences and opportunities. But before you rush the decision to move, it’s important to consider what’s involved in this kind of life change.

Here’s a look at eight things to consider before moving overseas. This can help you to decide if it’s the right path for you, and if so, how to go about it in the best way.

1. Will There Be a Language Barrier?

Whenever you think about moving overseas, language should be a consideration. Will there be a language barrier? Are you familiar with the native language, and if so, how fluent are you? While language alone shouldn’t be enough to stop you from moving, you will at least want to think about how you will learn it. Learning the language shouldn’t wait until you arrive, that’s something you can start before you move.

2. What Will You Do About a Job?

It would be great to move overseas and just spend your time exploring, but the vast majority of people are going to need to think about an income. How will you make money? What will you do about a job? If you can set something up before you move, it will at least give you a bit more stability. If not, how will you find a job when you arrive? Will you even be allowed to work in the country?

3. How Does the Cost of Living Compare?

You also can’t assume that the cost of living is the same as what you’re used to. Depending on where you plan to move it can be lower or higher. Depending on how expensive/cheap the destination is, you may need extra time to save money before you make the move.

4. Familiarize Yourself with Purchase Restrictions and Rules for Foreigners

Before you assume you can purchase property in another country when moving abroad, it’s important to first familiarize yourself with the local laws and restrictions. Not every country allows foreigners to purchase a property. If that’s the case, you need to figure out what you are allowed to do. Different countries will have different rules, so be sure to do thorough research in advance.

Singapore is a great example of a country with some restrictions. Foreign buyers can purchase properties but there are rules. For example, foreigners cannot purchase HDB (Housing and Development Board) flats in Singapore. The rules also state that Singaporeans who choose to marry foreigners will need to first qualify and then follow very strict criteria developed by the Board.

If you do qualify, you can learn about an HDB loan and interest rates on the PropertyGuru site, as it provides a listing of the current bank rates, updating daily. The site can save you a lot of time and hassle having to look up all that information on your own. You can also use the filters to refine your results, making the information more relevant to your needs.

5. Is This a Permanent or Temporary Move?

How long will this move last? Is this a permanent move you want to make or just a temporary measure? Your answer can help you in terms of where you plan to move and the accommodations. If you’re just planning on staying for the short term, then you may not need to be as picky.

6. What Kind of Lifestyle Do You Want?

Give thought to the kind of lifestyle you want. Do you like the idea of city living and being in the middle of all the action, or are you more of a laidback person who enjoys a quieter lifestyle? Depending on the destination you have in mind you may be able to choose from urban or rural living, so what fits your personality?

7. How Will You Get Around?

Because you don’t want to be trapped in your home, you also need to think about how you’ll get around. Will you purchase your transportation (a car, motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle), will you rely on public transit, or do you plan on using taxis and ride-share services?

8. How Will You Meet People and Make Friends?

The final thing to consider is how you plan to meet people and make friends. This is a big part of settling in and making the experience more enjoyable. If you choose city-living, this step can be easier to achieve since you’ll be surrounded by more people. If you’re going to be in a more rural setting, then it’s going to take some effort to meet people and expand your social circle.

Is Moving Overseas Right for You?

The question of whether moving overseas is right for you is something only you can answer and chances are it may not be a black and white answer. Instead, it’s about weighing the pros and cons and being honest with yourself about expectations.

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