Home Money Life After Work: 5 Ways to Prepare for Your Retirement

Life After Work: 5 Ways to Prepare for Your Retirement

by Louise W. Rice

We cannot work until eternity for health and national policy reasons. Unless you are self-employed or an entrepreneur, by age 60 to 66, you will retire to pave the way for others. It is therefore critical to plan for your retirement during active service. But what kind of life do you want to live during your pension? Would you want to travel abroad, start a small business, do charity, or just stay at home? Your answers would determine how to prepare for that aim.

With that being said, at least, ten years to retirement, you should start planning for your retirement home, build up your financial portfolio, and consider your health needs, among the many other choices and decisions that could make your old age comfortable. The choices and decisions you make should also reflect your income to avoid overburdening yourself with debt, which may affect your pension package. Now, here are some effective ways to prepare for your retirement in order to live a comfortable life when you stop working.

1. What are your pension plans and needs?

Planning your retirement saves you a lot from making bad choices and decisions. As you plan, factor in your retirement needs like eventually needing assistance in aged care Epping Gardens, and how you can accomplish them. Do you plan to travel, spend time with family, or operate a small business to keep you active? For example, do you plan to buy a retirement home, and at what price? How do you plan to finance that home, buy with cash or through a mortgage and what is the right mortgage for you?

If you have an existing home, how do you intend to finance it, or do you have plans for a reverse mortgage package? If yes, you can use a reverse mortgage calculator to see how much you can qualify here https://reverse.mortgage/calculator. Another thing to consider is your health needs, as old age comes with various health challenges. Planning these and more puts you in a good position, ahead of time and prevents you from making hasty and regrettable decisions.

2. Save. Save. Save

Few people make time to calculate how much they need to save for retirement, but it is one of the most important things to do. Saving can be rewarding no matter how small you begin. It cushions you against some financial and life uncertainties. As you plan for a comfortable retirement, start putting down something every month and increase the amount with time. Before you realize it, you will have enough to complement your pension payments or start a small business when you retire.

3. Contribute to a retirement saving plan

One of the financial safety nets for all retirees is pension payments. However, what you get after working depends on how much you contributed. This is why you need to take advantage of the various pension schemes and contribute towards your old age.

If your employer has a retirement savings plan like 401(k), join and contribute as much as you can. Your contributions would be deducted automatically, so you wouldn’t have any struggle with paying. That aside, your taxes may reduce, and your employer will add up to whatever you contribute. Even if you are self-employed, you can sign up for one of the many private pension schemes. Your contributions would prove very helpful when you stop working.

4. Don’t carry debt into retirement

It may be very difficult to stay away from debt because sometimes, borrowing becomes the only option. However, your debt should be as low, and if possible, pay all debts before retirement. Ideally, your debt-to-income ratio shouldn’t be more than 28 percent to ensure debt sustainability. If not, you will be paying for loans even after retirement. Imagine receiving very low pension earnings because of loan deductions.

Paying off your loans is therefore advisable for stress-free and financial freedom during retirement. If you have a mortgage, you can accelerate the loan payment so that there will be no or less to pay when you stop working. In addition, know when and how to use your credit card, and you can even choose to pay with cash to limit credit card debt. It is better to have a family business exit strategy.

5. Know your possible retirement income

You can know your possible retirement income by calculating the possible income from your social security, pension schemes, private investments, and other sources of income. If the expected income cannot give you the pension life you desire, then you would need to step up your savings and investments. Experts advise that to have a comfortable retirement, your retirement income should be 80% of your pre-retirement annual income. If you were earning $200,000 annually while working, your pension income should be around $160,000 to sustain your lifestyle.


You need some discipline and dedication to enjoy the comfortable retirement life you envisage. Your savings and investments are critical in this regard; hence, you need to make conscious efforts to save as much as you can. Invest in bonds, stocks, and other profitable financial schemes whiles assessing the risks involved. You can hire a life coach or financial planner to help you achieve the most during your working days.

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