Home Education 5 Study Tips That A College Student Needs

5 Study Tips That A College Student Needs

by Louise W. Rice

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous about starting college. Completing high school and starting college brings many important changes to your life. Therefore, in this article, we provide you with 5 study tips to get through this university stage without major complications. These tips will help you face the challenges of college life:

1. Get organized

Organization and planning are key in life, especially in college. But you may be wondering what does it mean to be organized? Well, try to get all aspects of your new college life in order.

For example:

  • Establishing schedules and routines
  • Keep an agenda with the activities to be done each day.
  • Be clear about your responsibilities and fulfill them on time.
  • Research ahead of time who your professors will be and in which spaces you will take your classes (physical or virtual).
  • Make sure you are clear about the times when your classes start.
  • Visit the university weeks before classes start so you know where your classrooms are located.
  • Access the virtual classroom for online classes and ensure good audio and video connection.
  • There’s a lot to know, remember and do! These are all good ways to get your new life in order.

2. Always take notes of your classes

While you are in your classes, we recommend you always take notes because your university professors may not write much on the blackboard but expect a more active attitude from you. Therefore, you should get used to writing down all the important things they might say. Learn about other platforms to list your to-do’s here as well. Taking notes is not being the best essay writer and scribbling tons of pages, so you do not have to worry that you will get tired a lot.

In the virtual world, as classes are recorded, you may be tempted not to pay much attention or forget to take notes. Wrong!

Recorded classes work to review concepts when you study, but you must pay 100% of your attention to the live class. A good way to be present in class is to take notes and participate in discussions.

3. Locate your university library

You will probably need to visit your university library on more than one occasion to do research or find a quiet, peaceful space to study. When you return to face-to-face classes, this should be a priority for you.

It is also advisable to find out if your university has a digital version of its library and if it has access available to other academic collections. Remember, your professional training depends on you, and you must go beyond what is required in class. Go deeper into the topics that interest you.

4. Use technology to your advantage

We recommend that you use all the technological tools to your advantage in this process. Some applications can help you, such as:

  • Cloud file hosting services such as Drive or Dropbox allow you to edit your documents online from any device you connect to. They also work very well in group work.
  • Scheduling apps, calendars, or organizers to help you keep your to-dos in order and receive notifications. Our favorite? Google Calendar.
  • Quick note applications where you can accumulate audios, images, and texts of information that you want to save in a hurry. A good app for this is Evernote.
  • Specialized search engines to find academic information to help you with your assignments. Google Scholar or Scribd, for example.
  • Scientific calculator applications to help you during your study time.
  • Remember that there are a huge number of applications that can help you meet your goals. You just have to research which ones are right for you.

5. Create a study routine

College life requires much more structure than the routine of high school. That’s why it’s key that you establish clear study schedules. Avoid arriving at dawn to complete your homework or study for your exams because, in addition, you need to rest to perform better.

This stage of life requires a lot of seriousness and commitment on your part. In that sense, we want to motivate you to put in all your efforts from day one.

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