Home Lifestyle 4 Ways To Have A Successful Dating Game In 2021

4 Ways To Have A Successful Dating Game In 2021

by Louise W. Rice

Whether you’ve been single for quite some time or have recently broken up with a significant other, you’re likely bound and determined to get back into the dating game once the busy-ness of the holiday season is over.

Of course, because of COVID-19, dating may look a bit different than it did previously — at least at first.

At the same time, amazing people like you, who are ready to step up their dating game in 2021, have plenty of ways to do just that — and possibly meet Mr. or Miss Right in the process. Consider the following suggestions:

1. Have an Honest Talk with Yourself

Before you dive back into the world of dating, it’s important to have an honest talk with yourself. Assess what went well in any past relationships and where you can put in some work. Look for patterns that may have gotten you into hot water in the past; for instance, you’ll want to recognize being drawn to dark or moody people who you want to try to “fix” or perhaps being too gung ho about the relationship and possibly scaring the person off. If you can spot areas that didn’t work so well before and accept them, you can avoid these same pitfalls in 2021 and beyond.

2. Be Ready to Communicate about COVID-19

One key way to boost your dating game is to communicate clearly with any potential love interests about your comfort level regarding the coronavirus. In fact, expressing your thoughts and concerns about COVID-19 right now can actually help to bring you closer. When talking with someone for the first time, don’t be shy about safety and precautions. Chances are your new acquaintance will also have plenty to share, and knowing that someone is taking similar safety measures as you may help move the relationship forward. On the flip side, if you’re overly careful and a guy or gal you’re texting with feels differently, it may be a red flag not to move forward.

3. Know Online Communication is a Great Way to Start

Another solid way to boost your dating game in 2021 is to embrace online communication. More than ever, this is a safe and effective way to get to know someone before potentially agreeing to meet up in-person — socially distanced, of course. If you’re new to the world of online romance, know that Safety.com has ranked the top 10 safest dating sites. These include The League, which authenticates each user through their LinkedIn profiles; once you sign up, you can use the in-app video chat feature for safety and convenience. You could also give Curtn a try, which also offers face-to-face interaction via live video chat. By seeing who you’re communicating with, you may get a better sense of whether there is any potential chemistry.

4. Treat Yourself to Some New Outfits

You’re an incredible person with a lot to offer, so chances are good you’ll eventually meet a date in-person and, over time, take it to the next level. While your current wardrobe is likely passable, there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to some new outfits. And, in case things begin to heat up with your new love, this can also include new lingerie and intimate apparel to help spice things up when you’re both eager and ready.

The Takeaway

After a long and challenging year, you definitely deserve to have an enjoyable 2021 — possibly with a new love in your life. By taking these tips into account — and being safe and honest with what works and what doesn’t — you may very well be celebrating the holidays next year with a special someone.

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