Home Social Media Things to Consider Before Hosting a Live Streaming Event

Things to Consider Before Hosting a Live Streaming Event

by Louise W. Rice

Many individuals prefer to watch a video rather than read text when on the internet. They enjoy YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and other streaming services and want the same type of content when learning something new. Take advantage of this and offer a live stream event on social media. Doing so successfully is easier than many people imagine. 

What Is a Live Stream?

Live streaming allows people to share an event with viewers online. It serves as a digital alternative to a live audience and allows individuals across the globe to take part in the event. This technique remains an excellent way to engage with the target audience. If you want to use this technique but aren’t sure how to do so, the following guide will be of great help. It provides an overview of what you need to do when you live stream an event


Planning is crucial to a successful event. Every aspect of talk shows is planned out, although they may not appear to be. The same process needs to go into creating an enjoyable live stream. Determine who the audience will be and create a title that will draw the audience members in. Determine the highlights of the event and plan around them. Finally, choose where to broadcast the stream, as quality is of importance in keeping viewers engaged. 

The Platform

Decide which platform will be used for the live stream. Numerous options exist today, and a company must learn the benefits and drawbacks of each to determine which is appropriate for their event. Don’t overlook smaller platforms when making this decision, as they may be perfect for your live stream. 


A camera is needed to record the event. Consider using a body mic to reduce background noise and look into a professional backdrop. A backdrop with the company logo helps to brand the video while providing visual consistency. Look into establishing a makeshift studio for future recording to save prep time and ensure this visual consistency. 


Let people know about the live stream. Landing pages are a great way to achieve this goal and benefit from social media. However, don’t overlook other opportunities to get the word out about the event. Let newsletter subscribers know when it will be held. A company can never advertise their live stream too much. 


Do a dry run. This allows you to work out any bugs before the big event. Furthermore, it allows you to see where changes need to be made before you appear in front of a live audience. Have guests practice with you for the same reasons. 

Test Connections

Nobody wants an audio or internet problem when live streaming. Test all connections during the dry run and again on the day of the big event. Stock up on extra batteries and purchase a spare microphone. Test the network to ensure it can handle the live stream, and have an ethernet cord hooked up to prevent interruptions in the event if the internet connection fails. 

Monitor Feedback

During a live stream, the audience can comment in real-time. Ensure someone is monitoring the comments and responding accordingly. Use a branded hashtag to make tracking the comments easier. Share this hashtag prior to the event to generate interest. 

Never assume your job is done upon completion of the live stream. Follow up with viewers to learn what went right and where changes need to be made. They appreciate being asked for their opinion and will want to return for future events. With the right encouragement, they may become brand ambassadors and help you grow your business free of charge. Every company appreciates this type of help. 

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