Home Education 5 Ways to Manage Your Time Effectively

5 Ways to Manage Your Time Effectively

by Louise W. Rice

Balancing different responsibilities at your home, job, and school isn’t easy. Regardless of what you do, you have the same number of hours in the day as everyone else to check all the items off your to-do list, spend time with your loved ones, and relax. Most days, accomplishing all this can seem impossible, but by planning ahead and managing your time effectively, you’ll be able to do more and even enjoy some extra free time.

In this post, we’re offering 5 time management strategies that will help you be prepared for exams, meet your deadlines, and have time to unwind while pursuing a degree.

1. Rely on Technology

If you struggle with time management, technology is here to save the day. These days, there are many apps you can download to check things off your to-do lists, boost your productivity, and generally be more efficient and organized.

You can also use tools like Trello, Evernote, and Google Calendar to see everything all in one place, and visually represent short and long-term goals, or rely on studying platforms like Wize to serve as your personal study guide, offering online access to university and high school expert tutors, tutorials, exam-prep, and more. These platforms have all the tools to provide a seamless learning experience and help students achieve their full academic potential.

2. Set Goals 

Using time well is impossible if you don’t know what to do with it. Set specific goals for each day and each study session. For instance, you can determine in advance how many math problems to complete or how many pages of a book report to write. 

Besides short-term goals, you should also set long-term goals, such as completing your studies in four years, having a 3.0 GPA upon graduation, etc. 

3. Make a Plan

make a plan

Creating a plan is the best way to avoid last-minute panic but also prevent yourself from procrastinating as a result of a large amount of work. Making a plan will help you break down the assignments into smaller tasks, each with its own due date. Give priority to the tasks depending on when the assignment is due and how long it will take you to complete it. This should encourage you to plan ahead and begin working on your assignments on time. 

For instance, if you need to write an essay, start by conducting research, then create the outline, etc. Or, if you have a book to read, begin by counting the number of days you have before you need to complete it, then divide the book by chapters to see how many of them you’ll need to read every day in order to meet the deadline

4. Eliminate Any Distractions

Between smartphones, friends, and social media, there are so many things that can distract you from your work. When it’s time to get down to work, be sure to turn off your phone and sign out of social media accounts. 

If you have trouble staying focused, consider the Pomodoro Method. This is a technique that helps boost efficiency by arranging how you work. The best way to put this method to use is by setting a timer to study uninterrupted for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Once you have completed four 25-minutes studying sessions, you can treat yourself to a longer break.

5. Avoid Multitasking

A study by the University of London found that people who tend to multitask have trouble paying attention, recalling information, or switching from one job to another compared to those who complete one task at a time. In other words, trying to work on multiple tasks and assignments at the same time will likely make you less productive. 

To combat multitasking, start by turning off any devices that could distract you. You should also learn how to delegate and ask family members, friends, or roommates to help do more around your home so that you have fewer tasks to think about. Freeing up some extra time by having other people help with errands and chores will make sure you can concentrate on your studies and that you can take a deserved break.

Final Thoughts

Establishing good time management habits doesn’t have to happen overnight. Start small by adopting one of the tips from this article that you feel will be most beneficial to you, and setting small, realistic goals. Don’t forget to take advantage of any help you can use, whether from friends and family, or experts you can reach out to through platforms like Wize. Finally, be sure to measure your progress and reward yourself for any progress you are making to better manage your time.

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